Version:9.2.3 - "Suhail"
Last update:2021-05-21 14:43:30

This document is intended for developers working on Alpha's documentation. It describes the various procs which can help in building dynamic contents, in particular to format lists and tables, print key combinations and build many kinds of hyperlinks.
Alpha's documentation files use Aida markup as explained in Doc Files Help. The reference for the Aida markup language is available here.
All the macros are defined in the file AlphaHelpMacros.tcl which is part of the Alpha sources and is located in the Doc directory. To make them available in your document, you must add a :Source: parameter in the header of your Aida document, like this:
:Source:    /path/to/AlphaHelpMacros.tcl

All the procs described below must be enclosed in a pair of ((e e)) tags in order to be evaluated by the aida processor. They are defined in a namespace called ah (short for Alpha Help).

Text formatting

Key combos

The proc [ah::combo] lets you print key combinations and keyboard shortcuts in a standardized way. Its formal syntax is:
ah::combo combo {style v}
It uses the same syntax to describe key combinations as the [binding] command in Alpha. See the section Specifying a key combo.
The style argument is described in the Style section below. It also supports a letter t (for text) to write the key modifiers litterally rather than using symbols: for instance, with the letter t specified in the style argument, one would get Cmd instead of .
This proc also supports composite bindings: you specify them as a list containing the prefix and the combo itself. For instance {z 'a' o 'b'} corresponds to Ctrl-A Opt-B.
Here are a few examples:
ah::combo cosz⌃⌥⇧⌘
ah::combo {c 'a'}⌘A
ah::combo {c space sz 'a'}⌘-Space ⌃⇧A
ah::combo {c 'a'} i⌘A
ah::combo {os 'b'} tOpt-Shift-B
ah::combo {cz 'b' o 'a'} tiCtrl-Cmd-B Opt-A


The proc [ah::buildAidaList] builds an Aida list out of a Tcl list. Its formal syntax is:
ah::buildAidaList tclList {style ""} {type "ul"}

The style argument is explained in the Style section below.
The type argument can be ul for unordered lists (it is the default), ol for ordered lists, or nl for flat lists.
Typically the tclList argument is provided by a specific command which builds it dynamically.
Here are some examples:
ah::buildAidaList "lemon orange grapefruit"
will result in
ah::buildAidaList "lemon orange grapefruit" "i" "ol"
will result in
  1. lemon
  2. orange
  3. grapefruit

ah::buildAidaList "lemon orange grapefruit" "b" "nl"
will result in


The proc [ah::buildAidaTable] builds an Aida list out of a block of text. Its formal syntax is:
ah::buildAidaTable lines {framed 1} {header ""} {options ""}
The lines argument is a list of strings in TSV (tabulation-separated values) format. Each line should be composed of fields separated by tabulations \t).
The header argument is a single line with tabulation-separated header names.
The framed argument tells whether the table should have a frame or not.
The options argument can be used to pass additional attributes for the table, like for instance "cellpadding=4".
Here are a simple example assuming that the variable $txt contains the following string A\tBB\nCCC\tDDDD:
    ah::buildAidaTable $txt
will result in

A more complex example:
    ah::buildAidaTable $txt 0 "Key\tValue" "format=rc"
will result in

Resource locations

The proc [ah::getURL] returns the location of various components of the Alpha project on the Web. Its formal syntax is:
    ah::getURL name {onlyURL 1}
The name argument can be one of the following keywords:
aidaAida's Home Page
bugsAlpha's Bug Tracker
coSubversion checkout URL
devlistAlpha-Developer List
filesAlpha's Release Page
homeAlpha's Home Page
mailingAlpha's Mailing Lists
manualAlpha's Manual
qasQuestions and Answers
quickstartAlpha's Quick Start
readmeAlpha's Readme
referenceAlpha Commands Reference
sfAlpha's Project Page
starVersion star (like Suhail)
svnSVN Browser
syntaxAlpha Commands Syntax
ticketsSynonym of bugs
tnsTechnical Notes
trackerSynonym of bugs
userlistAlpha-User List
webSynonym of home
wikiAlpha Wiki
If the onlyURL argument is 1 (the default), the proc just returns the URL, otherwise it returns a two elements list containing the URL and a default descriptive name. You should rarely use this proc directly, but rather use the commands [ah::link site] or [ah::link url] described in the Hyperlinks section. See examples in the Preset urls and Preset sites sections.

Date and version

The procs [ah::date] and [ah::version] insert respectively the current date and the current version number.
The proc [ah::insertVersionDate], used with no argument, inserts a block containing the current date and the version number of the application, aligned on the right margin (like the one at the top of this document). It also accepts the name of a package as an optional argument: in that case, it displays the package's version.


The [ah::img] proc inserts an image located, by default, in the Help/Images folder inside the AlphaTcl library.
The syntax is
ah::img name ?subdir? ?alt?
The subdir argument designates a subdirectory of the Help folder. Its default value is Images. The alt argument lets you specify an alt attribute for the image tag.
ah::img docwin_parse_button.pngDocwin parse button


The ah::link command is the main command to build links in the documentation files. These links are hypertext links which trigger an action, like opening another page, jumping to a particular section, executing some code in Alpha, editing files or displaying dialogs, revealing files or folders in the Finder, etc. The syntax is
ah::link what args
The ah::link command must be used in a pair of ((e e)) tags in the aida source files.
Depending on the what argument, the links created with this command can trigger different kinds of actions. The args arguments also differ for the various kinds of links.
The possible values of the argument what are described in the next section (see Link types).
Most of the types support two optional arguments named str and style:

Link types

This section presents the different types of links in alphabetical order.


the alpha type lets you build a link using the alphatcl protocol. This allows to execute Tcl code in Alpha from a hyperlink in a web page. URLs with the alphatcl scheme are interpreted by Alpha via the GURL/GURL AppleEvent. The formal syntax is:
ah::link alpha cmd {str ""} {style "i"}
The cmd argument is the command to execute in Alpha, the str argument is the string displayed as a hyperlink in the navigator. See example in the Doc links section.


the bindings type lets you display in Alpha a window containing the bindings currently available for a given mode or package. The formal syntax is:
ah::link bindings name kind what {str ""} {style "i"}
This kind of link relies on the proc binding::displayInfoForType defined in AlphaTcl. The kind argument can be either tag or creator and the what argument is the corresponding value. The name argument is used to build up the title of the window. See example in the Doc links section.


the bug type lets you build a link to a bug report (aka ticket) on the Alpha tracker. The formal syntax is:
ah::link bug num {str 0} {style "i"}
The str argument has different meanings: See example in the Doc links section.


the cmd type lets you build a link for a core command. It may be a Tcl command or an Alpha command. If the latter, the command automatically dispatches on the Reference or Syntax directory (inside the Help folder). The formal syntax is:
ah::link cmd name {str ""} {style "si"}
See example in the Doc links section.


the definition type lets you build a link pointing to the definition of a concept. The formal syntax is:
ah::link definition name {basename ""} {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the concept. If the basename argument is not specified or is empty, use the name of the currently processed file: as a consequence, an ((rf link is computed instead of ((lk.
To create a definition label (which you can point to), use ah::def definition name. See example in the Definition links section.


the dl type lets you build a link to download a released version of Alpha. The formal syntax is:
ah::link dl version {str ""} {style "i"}
The version argument is the version number. Note that to get a link to the latest release, you can use ah::link url dl. See example in the Doc links section.


the doc type lets you build a link to the help page of an AlphaTcl package (mode, menu or feature). This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link doc name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the package. See example in the Doc links section.


the example type lets you build a link to edit an AlphaTcl example file (found in the Examples directory). This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link example name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the file (with or without the -Example suffix). See example in the Doc links section.


the file type lets you build a link to edit a file located in the installation directory. It is based on help::openHyper which does its best to find the file looking in all the directories of the auto_path variable. The formal syntax is:
ah::link file name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument specifies the name of the file. If the str argument is not specified, the proc uses the file name. See example in the Doc links section.


the help type lets you build a link to edit an HTML file located in the Help dir. The formal syntax is:
ah::link help basename {str ""} {sectionMark ""} {style "i"}
The basename argument specifies a path relative to the AlphaTcl/Help directory (with or without the .html extension). If basename is the name of a core command, it is not necessary to specify the subdir: it is substituted automatically. If the str argument is not specified and if this is not the name of a command, use a prettified form of the file name. See example in the Doc links section.


the helpfile type lets you build a link to edit a file located in the Help dir. Use this proc for help files in PDF or text format. The formal syntax is:
ah::link helpfile basename {str ""} {style "i"}
The type is determined by the extension. The basename argument specifies a path relative to the AlphaTcl/Help directory. If the str argument is not specified, use a prettified form of the file name without extension. See example in the Doc links section.


the key type lets you build a link to the documentation of a command's key. The formal syntax is:
ah::link key name keyname {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the command and the keyname argument is the name of the key. If the str argument is not specified, the default string is "$name $keyname". See example in the Doc links section.


the linkvar type lets you build a link to a linked variable (a Tcl variable defined by Alpha that is linked to a C variable in the core). The formal syntax is:
ah::link linkvar name {style "i"} 
See example in the Doc links section.


the lt type lets you build a link to a definition list item in a given file. The formal syntax is:
ah::link lt name {basename ""} {str ""} {style "i"}
If the basename argument is not specified or is empty, use the name of the currently processed file: as a consequence, an ((rf link is computed instead of ((lk. If the str argument is not specified or is empty, use the name argument instead. See example in the Doc links section.


the mailto type lets you build a link to an e-mail address. The formal syntax is:
ah::link mailto email {str ""} {style "i"}
If the str argument is not specified, use the e-mail itself. See example in the Doc links section.


the man type lets you build a link to display a man page in Alpha using the Man Viewer. The formal syntax is:
ah::link man name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the man page. If the str argument is not specified, the default string is "$name manual page". See example in the Doc links section.


the menuitem type lets you display a menu path, that is to say a sequence of menus, submenus and items. The formal syntax is:
ah::link menuitem items {cmd ""} {style "i"}
The items argument is a Tcl list containing the elements of the menu path. The items are displayed separated by a rightwards arrow.
If the cmd argument is not empty, it must be a valid Tcl instruction and the menu path is displayed as a hyperlink which executes the cmd command in Alpha. See example in the Doc links section.


the opt type lets you build a link to the documentation of a command's option. The formal syntax is:
ah::link opt name option {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the command and the option argument is the name of the option. If the str argument is not specified, the default string is "$option". See example in the Doc links section.


the pref type lets you build a link to a preference panel. This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link pref name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the panel. See examples in the Preference dialogs section.


the proc type lets you build a link to the source code of an AlphaTcl proc. This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link proc name {str ""} {style "si"}
The name argument is the name of the proc. See example in the Doc links section.


the qa type lets you build a link to a Question & Answer (QA) on Alpha's web site. The formal syntax is:
ah::link qa num {str ""} {style "i"}
If the str argument is not specified, the proc looks in the catalog for the title of this QA. If not found (or if str is a single space " "), it defaults to "QA #num" where num is the number of the Q&A specified by the num argument. See example in the Doc links section.


the reveal type lets you build a link to reveal a file or a folder in the Finder. The path argument specifies the full path of the file or folder. The formal syntax is:
ah::link reveal path {str ""} {style "i"}
If the str argument is not specified, the proc uses the path's last component. See example in the Doc links section.


the root type lets you build a link to the documentation of a particular kind of root window (as used in the [view root] command). The formal syntax is:
ah::link root name {str ""} {style "i"}
See example in the Doc links section.


the sec type lets you build a link to a section in a given file. The formal syntax is:
ah::link sec name {basename ""} {str ""} {style "i"}
If the basename argument is not specified or is empty, use the name of the currently processed file: as a consequence, an ((rf link is computed instead of ((lk. If the str argument is not specified or is empty, use the name argument instead. See example in the Doc links section.


the site type lets you build a link to a page on the Alpha web site. See the Resource locations section and the [ah::getURL] proc for a list of the supported names. The formal syntax is:
ah::link site name {str ""} {style "i"}
If the str argument is not specified, the proc uses a preset string. See examples in the Preset sites section.


the subcmd type lets you build a link for a subcommand of a command. The formal syntax is:
ah::link subcmd name {style "si"} 
The difference with the cmd type is that the string is just the name of the subcommand rather than the command itself. For instance, ah::link subcmd "menuItem insert" will display as insert whereas ah::link cmd "menuItem insert" will display as [menuItem insert]. See example in the Doc links section.


the sysprefs type lets you build a link to a System Preferences panel. This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link sysprefs path {name ""} {str ""} {style "i"}
The path argument is a string representing the panel. It has the form panelPath?/anchorName? where panelPath is the identifier of the panel (a reverse DNS name) and anchorName is the optional name of a subpanel separated by a slash. The name argument is a pretty name for the panel. See the proc [sysprefs::panelIds] in Alpha to get the list of all the panel IDs and the proc [sysprefs::getAnchorNames] to get the name of the subpanels. See example in the Doc links section.


the table type lets you build a link for a table. The formal syntax is:
ah::link table name {str ""} {basename ""} {style "i"}
The basename argument is the name (or relative subpath) of the file containing the table. If it is not specified or is empty, use the name of the currently processed file. If the str argument is not specified or is empty, the proc uses the name argument instead. See example in the Doc links section.


the tclfile type lets you build a link to edit a file located in the AlphaTcl/Tcl directory. The formal syntax is:
ah::link tclfile basename {str ""} {style "i"}
The basename argument specifies a path relative to the Tcl dir. If the str argument is not specified, the proc uses the file name. See example in the Doc links section.


the test type lets you build a link to edit a file located in the Tests directory. The formal syntax is:
ah::link test basename {str 0} {style "i"}
The basename argument specifies the name of the test file (path relative to the Tests folder inside the application's bundle). If basename is a command name, the corresponding test file name is built automatically. If the str argument is not specified, use the file name. See example in the Doc links section.


the ticket type is synonym of the bug type. The formal syntax is:
ah::link ticket num {str 0} {style "i"}
The str argument has the same meaning as with the bug type.


the tn type lets you build a link to a Technical Note (TN) on Alpha's web site. The formal syntax is:
ah::link tn num {str ""} {style "i"}
If the str argument is not specified, the proc looks in the catalog for the title of this TN. If not found (or if str is a single space " "), it defaults to "TN #num" where num is the number of the TN specified by the num argument. See example in the Doc links section.


the tutorial type lets you build a link to edit an AlphaTcl tutorial file (found in the Completions directory). This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link tutorial name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of a mode. See example in the Doc links section.


the url type lets you build a link to an Alpha web resource location. The formal syntax is:
ah::link url name {sub ""} {str ""} {style "i"}
See the Resource locations section and the [ah::getURL] proc for a list of the supported names. If the str argument is not specified, use the URL itself.
The sub argument specifies a complement for the url. See examples in the Preset urls section.


the var type lets you build a link to display the value of a global AlphaTcl variable. This uses the alphatcl protocol. The formal syntax is:
ah::link var name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the variable (string variable or array). See example in the Doc links section.


the view type lets you build a link to the documentation of a particular kind of view (as used in the [view create] command). The formal syntax is:
ah::link view name {str ""} {style "i"}
See example in the Doc links section.


the web type lets you build a link to a page on the Web space at SourceForge. The formal syntax is:
ah::link web name {str ""} {style "i"}
The name argument is the name of the file without the extension. This proc automatically detects if name is the name of a command and dispatches appropriately to the Reference or the Syntax subdir. If the str argument is not specified, use the name itself. See example in the Doc links section.

Empty type

As a special case, if only one argument is specified with the ah::link command, it generates a simple hyperlink. The argument should be an URL specifying the location of a resource. For example:
will generate the following links respectively:
If you want a different text to be displayed for the link, use the ((lk lk)) tags directly.

Link examples

Here are a few examples demonstrating the use of the ah::link proc.

Doc links

ah::link alpha "tclShell" "Open Tcl Shell"Open Tcl Shell
ah::link bindings "Tcl Mode" tag TclTcl Mode bindings
ah::link bug 1Ticket #1
ah::link cmd append[append]
ah::link cmd ticks[ticks]
ah::link dl 9.1.1
ah::link doc latexAccentsLatex Accents
ah::link example LaTeXLaTeX Example
ah::link file prefs.tclprefs.tcl
ah::link help AlphaCommandsAlpha Commands
ah::link helpfile latex_guide.pdfLatex_guide
ah::link key getWinInfo bindtagsgetWinInfo bindtags
ah::link linkvar needsBreakColumnneedsBreakColumn
ah::link lt "Temporary Filter" FiltersMenuHelpTemporary Filter
ah::link mailto
ah::link man gsgs manual page
ah::link menuitem {Tools "Tcl Shell"} tclShellTools ↣ Tcl Shell
ah::link opt "menuItem index" -nocase-nocase
ah::link opt "view Box" -borderType-borderType
ah::link pref SpecialKeysSpecial Keys Preferences panel
ah::link proc pos::diff[pos::diff]
ah::link qa 1QA #1: How do I get Alpha's source code ?
ah::link reveal \$HOME$HOME
ah::link root Dialog "Modal Dialog"Modal Dialog
ah::link sec "Quick Reference" RegularExpressionsQuick Reference
ah::link sec "color names" colorRef "Named Colors"Named Colors
ah::link site homeAlpha's Home Page
ah::link subcmd "menuItem insert"insert
ah::link sysprefs keyboardKeyboard System Preferences panel
ah::link sysprefs keyboard/shortcutsTabKeyboard System Preferences panel
ah::link sysprefs backup "Time Machine"Time Machine System Preferences panel
ah::link table "Flag Options" "" RegularExpressionsFlag Options
ah::link table "view TokenField -style" "style options" viewstyle options
ah::link tclfile Packages/embrace.tclembrace.tcl
ah::link test popoverpopover_test.tcl
ah::link ticket 1 "Foobar RFE"Foobar RFE
ah::link ticket 1 1Ticket #1: Alpha's bug tracker must be updated
ah::link ticket 1Ticket #1
ah::link tn 1TN #1: How to update the core
ah::link tutorial TeXTeX Mode Tutorial
ah::link url home
ah::link var fillColumnfillColumn
ah::link view BoxBox
ah::link web AlphaRegexpAlpha Regexp

Definition links

Assuming that a label for the definition of the saveHook concept has been created like this in the file ExtendingAlpha.aida:
ah::def definition saveHook
then you can point to this location with the following syntax:
ah::link definition saveHook ExtendingAlphasaveHook

Preset urls

ah::link url bugs
ah::link url co
ah::link url dl
ah::link url devlist
ah::link url files
ah::link url home
ah::link url mailing
ah::link url QAs
ah::link url reference
ah::link url sf
ah::link url svn
ah::link url syntax
ah::link url TNs
ah::link url ticket 1
ah::link url tracker
ah::link url userlist
ah::link url wiki

Preset sites

ah::link site aidaAida's Home Page
ah::link site bugsAlpha's Bug Tracker
ah::link site cosvn co Alpha
ah::link site devlistAlpha-Developers List
ah::link site dldownload Alpha 9.2.3 (Suhail)
ah::link site filesAlpha's Release Page
ah::link site finkFink
ah::link site homeAlpha's Home Page
ah::link site homebrewHomebrew
ah::link site macportsMacPorts
ah::link site mailingAlpha's Mailing Lists
ah::link site manualAlpha's Manual
ah::link site QAsQuestions and Answers
ah::link site quickstartAlpha's Quick Start
ah::link site readmeAlpha's Readme
ah::link site referenceAlpha Commands Reference
ah::link site screenshotsScreenshots Gallery
ah::link site sfAlpha's Project Page
ah::link site starSuhail
ah::link site svnSubversion Repository Browser
ah::link site syntaxAlpha Commands Syntax
ah::link site tcltkTcl
ah::link site trackerAlpha's Bug Tracker
ah::link site TNsTechnical Notes
ah::link site userlistAlpha-Users List
ah::link site wikiAlpha Wiki

Preference dialogs

ah::link pref GlobalPreferencesGlobal Preferences dialog
ah::link pref PackagePreferencesPackage Preferences dialog
ah::link pref MenusPreferencesMenus Preferences dialog
ah::link pref FeaturesPreferencesFeatures Preferences dialog
ah::link pref SpecialKeysSpecial Keys Preferences panel
ah::link pref Mode-BibTeXBibTeX Mode Preferences
ah::link pref Mode-Features-BibTeXBibTeX Mode Features Preferences
ah::link pref Mode-Menus-BibTeXBibTeX Mode Menus Preferences
ah::link pref AppearanceAppearance Preferences panel
ah::link pref BackupsBackups Preferences panel
ah::link pref CompletionsCompletions Preferences panel
ah::link pref ElectricsElectrics Preferences panel
ah::link pref ErrorsErrors Preferences panel
ah::link pref FilesFiles Preferences panel
ah::link pref GeneralGeneral Preferences panel
ah::link pref HelpHelp Preferences panel
ah::link pref HelperApplicationsHelper Applications Preferences panel
ah::link pref InternationalInternational Preferences panel
ah::link pref MenusMenus Preferences dialog
ah::link pref PopupsPopups Preferences panel
ah::link pref PrintingPrinting Preferences panel
ah::link pref TextText Preferences panel
ah::link pref TilingTiling Preferences panel
ah::link pref WWWWWW Preferences panel
ah::link pref WindowWindow Preferences panel


Most of the procs described in this document have an optional argument named style. This argument can be a combination of letters i, b, u, v and s with the following meaning:
senclose in square brackets