bindtags | list of bind tags |
bottomBarHeight | height of message bar at bottom of window |
charWidth | width of a character in the current font |
coloring | is syntax coloring enabled |
colortags | list of color tags |
continuousSpellChecking | is continuous spell checking enabled (0|1) |
currLine | number of the first displayed line |
dashSubstitution | is automatic dash substitution enabled (0|1) |
dataDetection | is automatic data detection enabled (0|1) |
dirty | dirty state of the window (0|1) |
dispRange | range of displayed characters |
encoding | file's encoding |
font | window's font (specified as a dictionary) |
grammarChecking | is grammar checking enabled (0|1) |
hasSpurious | window has inconsistent end of lines (0|1) |
hasURL | window corresponds to a file (0|1) |
incrementalSearching | is incremental searching in FindBar enabled (0|1) |
leftMarginWidth | width of the line numbers margin |
lineHeight | default line height of a line of text with the current font |
lineNumbers | display the left margin with line numbers (0|1) |
linkDetection | automatic detection of hyperlinks (0|1) |
needsBreak | window has lines longer than needsBreakColumn preference (0|1) |
numColumns | length in chars of the longest line (not including eol) |
numDispLines | number of displayed lines |
numLines | number of lines in the document |
paneNum | index of the current pane |
platform | kind of end-of-line symbols (macintosh, unix, windows) |
quoteSubstitution | is automatic quotation mark substitution enabled (0|1) |
readOnly | is the window in read-only mode (0|1) |
recordState | remember the window's state (0|1) |
shell | is the window of kind shell (0|1) |
showInvisibles | display invisible characters (0|1) |
smartInsertDelete | smart insertion of space around words (0|1) |
spellingCorrection | spelling correction (0|1) |
spin | is the spinning progress indicator visible (0|1) |
split | is the window split in subpanes (0|1) |
tabsize | size of tabulations |
textContainer | size of the bounding rectangle containing the entire text |
textFrame | frame of the text pane view (including non visible parts) in local coordinates |
textReplacement | is automatic text replacement enabled (0|1) |
toolbar | the token of the window's toolbar (empty string if no toolbar) |
topBarHeight | height of control bar (containing popups and path) |
undo | is the undo manager enabled (0|1) |
wordbreak | word break regular expression |
wrap | apply soft wrapping (0|1) |