getWinInfo ?-w win? (option|all)
Retrieve information about the properties of a document window. The option argument is the name of a property. Supported properties are:
bindtagslist of bind tags
bottomBarHeightheight of message bar at bottom of window
charWidthwidth of a character in the current font
coloringis syntax coloring enabled
colortagslist of color tags
continuousSpellCheckingis continuous spell checking enabled (0|1)
currLinenumber of the first displayed line
dashSubstitutionis automatic dash substitution enabled (0|1)
dataDetectionis automatic data detection enabled (0|1)
dirtydirty state of the window (0|1)
dispRangerange of displayed characters
encodingfile's encoding
fontwindow's font (specified as a dictionary)
grammarCheckingis grammar checking enabled (0|1)
hasSpuriouswindow has inconsistent end of lines (0|1)
hasURLwindow corresponds to a file (0|1)
incrementalSearchingis incremental searching in FindBar enabled (0|1)
leftMarginWidthwidth of the line numbers margin
lineHeightdefault line height of a line of text with the current font
lineNumbersdisplay the left margin with line numbers (0|1)
linkDetectionautomatic detection of hyperlinks (0|1)
needsBreakwindow has lines longer than needsBreakColumn preference (0|1)
numColumnslength in chars of the longest line (not including eol)
numDispLinesnumber of displayed lines
numLinesnumber of lines in the document
paneNumindex of the current pane
platformkind of end-of-line symbols (macintosh, unix, windows)
quoteSubstitutionis automatic quotation mark substitution enabled (0|1)
readOnlyis the window in read-only mode (0|1)
recordStateremember the window's state (0|1)
shellis the window of kind shell (0|1)
showInvisiblesdisplay invisible characters (0|1)
smartInsertDeletesmart insertion of space around words (0|1)
spellingCorrectionspelling correction (0|1)
spinis the spinning progress indicator visible (0|1)
splitis the window split in subpanes (0|1)
tabsizesize of tabulations
textContainersize of the bounding rectangle containing the entire text
textFrameframe of the text pane view (including non visible parts) in local coordinates
textReplacementis automatic text replacement enabled (0|1)
toolbarthe token of the window's toolbar (empty string if no toolbar)
topBarHeightheight of control bar (containing popups and path)
undois the undo manager enabled (0|1)
wordbreakword break regular expression
wrapapply soft wrapping (0|1)
If the keyword all is specified (instead of an option), then all the properties are returned in a dictionary where the keys are the property names.