Alpha | |
Version: | 9.2.3 - "Suhail" |
Last update: | 2021-05-21 14:43:28 |
head | truncate at the start of the string |
middle | truncate in the middle of the string |
tail | truncate at the end of the string |
specifies the end of the options.aboutPanel | Display the About window |
characterPanel | Open the character palette |
colorPanel | Open the color palette |
hide | Hide all Alpha's windows and next application is activated |
hideOthers | Hide windows of all other applications |
miniaturizeAll | Miniaturize all Alpha's windows |
terminate | Quit Alpha |
unhide | Restore hidden windows to the screen |
unhideAll | Unhide all applications, including Alpha |
, {}
, and []
(but not <>
). Starting from the initial position, the command
searches backward until it finds one of the opening enclosers: (
, or [
. It ignores any of these characters which is
preceded by a backslash. When (if) it finds one then it looks in the other
direction for the matching character, again ignoring escaped characters. An
error is thrown if any of this fails, and the cursor is returned to the
initial position.
Letter | Description |
c | the Command (⌘ ) key |
s | the Shift (⇧ ) key |
o | the Option (⌥ ) key |
z | the Control (⌃ ) key |
v | to specify a virtual key code |
-b | Ignore changes in the amount of white space. |
-B | Ignore changes whose lines are all blank. |
-c | Report only diff codes. |
-E | Ignore changes due to tab expansion. |
-i | Ignore case differences in file contents. |
-l | Specify kind of line endings for the files. |
-q | Output only whether files differ. |
-t | Treat all files as text files. |
-w | Ignore all white space. |
-- | end of options |
Name | Value | Description |
Undefined | 0 | let Alpha guess |
Mac | 1 | CR |
Unix | 2 | LF |
Windows | 3 | CRLF |
m1?,n1?[acd]m2?,n2?This syntax is described in the Diff codes section of the Compare package.
-a | both UTF-8 and UTF-16 representations |
-f | format of hexadecimal string |
-r | raw (no headers) |
-u | UTF-8 representation |
-- | end of options |
dumpObj $var1 $var2 dumpObj -u -- $var1 $var2 dumpObj -a -r -- $var1 $var2 dumpObj -f 4/2 -- $var1 $var2
-b | print bounds |
-c | print count of subviews |
-f | print frame |
-k | print token (if any) |
-m | print flexibility (autoresizing mask) |
-r | print whether the view's coordinate system is flipped |
-s | start from superview (if exists) |
-t | print tag |
-v | print whether the view is visible |
Option | Description |
-b | bundle identifier |
-k | kind |
-n | name |
-p | process identifier |
-s | application signature |
angle | amount that the font is slanted in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical |
ascender | top y-coordinate, offset from the baseline, of the longest ascender |
boundRect | union of the bounding rectangles of every glyph in the font |
capHeight | height of a capital letter above the baseline |
count | number of glyphs in the font |
descender | bottom y-coordinate, offset from the baseline, of the longest descender |
displayName | name, including family and face, localized for the user's language |
family | family name |
fixed | indicates if the font has fixed size |
leading | leading of the font |
maxAdvance | maximum advancement |
name | name of the font |
rendering | rendering mode |
size | point size of the font |
xHeight | distance between the baseline and the mean line of lower-case letters |
0 | Default |
1 | Antialiased |
2 | Integer Advancements |
3 | Antialiased Integer Advancements |
Italic | 1 |
Bold | 2 |
Unbold | 4 |
Narrow | 16 |
Expanded | 32 |
Condensed | 64 |
Small Caps | 128 |
Poster | 256 |
Compressed | 512 |
Fixed Size | 1024 |
{x y w h}
where x
and y
are the x-coord and y-coord of the lower left corner in screen
coordinates and w
and h
are the width and height of the
entire window, including title bar and toolbar.
combo (note that the ascii code of 'a' is 97 and
that the corresponding key on the keyboard has code 12):
Command | Result |
getKey | a |
getKey -m | c |
getKey -m -c | c a |
getKey -m -c -d | 16 a |
getKey -m -c -a -d | 16 97 |
getKey -m -c -k | c a 12 |
getKey -b | c 'a' |
getKey -b -k | cv 12 |
Key | Hexadecimal | Decimal |
ShiftLock | 0x01 | 1 |
Shift | 0x02 | 2 |
Control | 0x04 | 4 |
Option | 0x08 | 8 |
Command | 0x10 | 16 |
NumericPad | 0x20 | 32 |
Help | 0x40 | 64 |
Function | 0x80 | 128 |
key (not to be
confused with the F1, F2, etc. keys).
bindtags | list of bind tags |
bottomBarHeight | height of message bar at bottom of window |
charWidth | width of a character in the current font |
coloring | is syntax coloring enabled |
colortags | list of color tags |
continuousSpellChecking | is continuous spell checking enabled (0|1) |
currLine | number of the first displayed line |
dashSubstitution | is automatic dash substitution enabled (0|1) |
dataDetection | is automatic data detection enabled (0|1) |
dirty | dirty state of the window (0|1) |
dispRange | range of displayed characters |
encoding | file's encoding |
font | window's font (specified as a dictionary) |
grammarChecking | is grammar checking enabled (0|1) |
hasSpurious | window has inconsistent end of lines (0|1) |
hasURL | window corresponds to a file (0|1) |
incrementalSearching | is incremental searching in FindBar enabled (0|1) |
leftMarginWidth | width of the line numbers margin |
lineHeight | default line height of a line of text with the current font |
lineNumbers | display the left margin with line numbers (0|1) |
linkDetection | automatic detection of hyperlinks (0|1) |
needsBreak | window has lines longer than needsBreakColumn preference (0|1) |
numColumns | length in chars of the longest line (not including eol) |
numDispLines | number of displayed lines |
numLines | number of lines in the document |
paneNum | index of the current pane |
platform | kind of end-of-line symbols (macintosh, unix, windows) |
quoteSubstitution | is automatic quotation mark substitution enabled (0|1) |
readOnly | is the window in read-only mode (0|1) |
recordState | remember the window's state (0|1) |
shell | is the window of kind shell (0|1) |
showInvisibles | display invisible characters (0|1) |
smartInsertDelete | smart insertion of space around words (0|1) |
spellingCorrection | spelling correction (0|1) |
spin | is the spinning progress indicator visible (0|1) |
split | is the window split in subpanes (0|1) |
tabsize | size of tabulations |
textContainer | size of the bounding rectangle containing the entire text |
textFrame | frame of the text pane view (including non visible parts) in local coordinates |
textReplacement | is automatic text replacement enabled (0|1) |
toolbar | the token of the window's toolbar (empty string if no toolbar) |
topBarHeight | height of control bar (containing popups and path) |
undo | is the undo manager enabled (0|1) |
wordbreak | word break regular expression |
wrap | apply soft wrapping (0|1) |
-bgColor token |
-color token |
-cursor name |
-hypertext proc |
-spelling num |
-strike num |
-style num |
-tip str |
-underline num |
normal | 0 |
italic | 1 |
bold | 2 |
Kind | Value |
Single line | 1 |
Double line | 2 |
Thick line | 3 |
Pattern | Value |
Solid | 0 |
Dot | 10 |
Dash | 20 |
Dash-Dot | 30 |
Dash-Dot-Dot | 40 |
Spelling | 1 |
Grammar | 2 |
Cursor | Name |
arrow | |
crosshair | |
IBeam | |
IBeamHorizontal | |
closedHand | |
openHand | |
pointingHand | |
resizeDown | |
resizeLeft | |
resizeLeftRight | |
resizeRight | |
resizeUp | |
resizeUpDown | |
contextualMenu | |
dragCopy | |
dragLink | |
operationNotAllowed | |
disappearingItem |
start | Position of the first character of the line containing the beginning of the range. |
end | Position of the first character of the terminator of the line containing the end of the range. |
next | Position of the first character past the terminator of the line containing the end of the range. |
range | Interval of positions representing the line(s) containing the range, including the line termination characters. |
all | All three positions: start, end and next in that order. |
-attributes num | attributes of the list view |
-cancel str | text of the Cancel button |
-header list | headers at the top of the list view columns |
-height num | height of the dialog |
-indices | use indices rather than names |
-l | synonym of -multi (deprecated) |
-L list | a list of default item(s) to be initially selected |
-multi | allow multiple items to be selected, return a list |
-num num | number of columns in the list view (default is 1) |
-ok str | text of the OK button |
-prompt str | prompt text at the top of the dialog |
-truncate str | set the truncation mode |
-width num | width of the dialog |
-- | end of options |
, curly braces {}
, square brackets
, and angle braces <>
. The brace character passed to this
command should be the one whose partner you wish to find (not the one you
want to search for). This determines the direction of the search: for
instance, if you specify a closing parenthesis )
, the command will look
backwards for the matching opening parenthesis (
at position p, the
first position where we could expect to find the matching )
is p+1.
The command to find it is:
matchIt ( p+1
at position p, the last
position where we could expect to find the matching (
parenthesis is p-1.
The command to find it is:
matchIt ) p-1
abc ()
so that )
is at
position 5, then 'matchIt ) 5'
will fail to match, but
'matchIt ) 4'
will correctly return 4.
-s | screen coordinates |
-p | current pane coordinates |
-w | window coordinates |
(like en, en_US, en_GB, fr_FR, etc.)
«» mtime -locale en_US -format EdMMM [now] Sat, Oct 5 «» mtime -locale ja_JP -format EdMMM [now] 10月5日(土)Alternatively, the optional kind argument specifies the format in which the date is displayed. The possible format values are: abbreviated, full, long, offset, short, standard. These values may be abbreviated. The default value is standard which corresponds to the fixed format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. The offset format is like the standard format but also appends the time zone offset. The other formats provide localized date and time using the current locale. Here are some examples (using the en_US locale) to demonstrate the different kinds:
abbreviated | Oct 5, 2019 1:52:56 PM |
full | Saturday, October 5, 2019 1:52:56 PM Central European Summer Time |
long | October 5, 2019 1:52:56 PM GMT+2 |
offset | 2019-10-05 13:52:56 GMT+2 |
short | 10/5/19 1:52 PM |
standard | 2019-10-05 13:52:56 |
Description | Decimal value | Power of 2 |
No Toolbar | 1 | (1 << 0) |
No Dirty State | 2 | (1 << 1) |
No Vcs Popup | 4 | (1 << 2) |
No Parse Popup | 8 | (1 << 3) |
No Marks Popup | 16 | (1 << 4) |
No Split Popup | 32 | (1 << 5) |
No Info Popup | 64 | (1 << 6) |
No Mode Popup | 128 | (1 << 7) |
No Message Bar | 256 | (1 << 8) |
No Vertical Scrollbar | 512 | (1 << 9) |
No Horizontal Scrollbar | 1024 | (1 << 10) |
No Close Button | 2048 | (1 << 11) |
No Collapse Button | 4096 | (1 << 12) |
No Zoom Button | 8192 | (1 << 13) |
Not Resizable | 16384 | (1 << 14) |
No Path Control | 32768 | (1 << 15) |
No Line Numbers | 65536 | (1 << 16) |
No Coloring | 131072 | (1 << 17) |
Show Invisibles | 262144 | (1 << 18) |
Link Detection | 524288 | (1 << 19) |
Dash Substitution | 1048576 | (1 << 20) |
Data Detection | 2097152 | (1 << 21) |
Quote Substitution | 4194304 | (1 << 22) |
Text Replacement | 8388608 | (1 << 23) |
Spelling Correction | 16777216 | (1 << 24) |
Continuous Spell Checking | 33554432 | (1 << 25) |
Grammar Checking | 67108864 | (1 << 26) |
Incremental Searching | 134217728 | (1 << 27) |
Smart Insert Delete | 268435456 | (1 << 28) |
Event | Flag |
Mouse Down | 1 |
Key Down | 2 |
String | True col | Virtual col |
tab| | 1 | 4 |
A+tab| | 2 | 4 |
AB+tab| | 3 | 4 |
ABC+tab| | 4 | 4 |
ABCD+tab| | 5 | 8 |
ctrl-a opt-b
one must create a binding for ctrl-a
and associate it with this
command, then define a binding for opt-b
with ctrl-a
prefix. See the documentation of the [binding] command.
ctrl-a 5 opt-b
the infix is 5 and means that the action linked to the combo will receive
the value 5 as an additional argument which it can interpret in different
ways). The value of the -infix option is a regular expression which
describes which values are considered an infix: for instance [1-5r]
means that the infix could be a digit between 1 and 5 or the letter r.
1 | background priority |
2 | low priority |
3 | default priority |
4 | high priority |
Property | Attribute name | Type |
Encoding | "net.sf.alpha.enc" | string |
Selection | "net.sf.alpha.sel" | 2 integers |
Geometry | "net.sf.alpha.geo" | 4 floats |
TabSize | "" | 1 integer |
Font | "net.sf.alpha.font" | string |
Wrapping | "net.sf.alpha.wrap" | boolean |
Line Breaking | "net.sf.alpha.break" | boolean |
-i (0|1) | ignore case (default 0) |
-d (0|1) | allow dot to match any character, including line separators (default 0) |
-ml (0|1) | allow ^ and $ to match the start and end of lines (default 1) |
-u (0|1) | treat only \n as a line separator (default 0) |
-uts (0|1) | use Unicode text segmentation to specify word boundaries (default 0) |
-x (0|1) | allow spaces and #-prefixed comments in the pattern (default 0) |
-f (0|1) | search backward or forward (default 1) |
-r (0|1) | pattern is a regular expression (default 0) |
-i (0|1) | ignore case (default 0) |
-m (0|1) | match words (default 0) |
-l lim | limit on how far search goes |
-all | return all matches |
-wrap | wrap around |
-n | failed search returns empty string rather than raising an error |
-- | end of the options |
-di (0|1) | diacritics insensitive (default 0) |
-wi (0|1) | width insensitive (default 0) |
-d (0|1) | allow dot to match any character, including line separators (default 0) |
-ml (0|1) | allow ^ and $ to match the start and end of lines (default 1) |
-u (0|1) | treat only \n as a line separator (default 0) |
-uts (0|1) | use Unicode text segmentation to specify word boundaries (default 0) |
-x (0|1) | allow spaces and #-prefixed comments in the pattern (default 0) |
is used.
The -i, -d, -ml, -x options can also be set
in the regular expression pattern itself using (?ismx-ismx)
The -uts option enables Unicode text segmentation (word boundaries) as defined in the
Unicode Standard Annex UAX #29.
{x y w h}
where x
and y
are the x-coord
and y-coord of the lower left corner in screen coordinates and w
and h
are the width and height.
bindtags | list of bind tags |
coloring | is syntax coloring enabled |
colortags | list of color tags |
continuousSpellChecking | is continuous spell checking enabled (0|1) |
dashSubstitution | is automatic dash substitution enabled (0|1) |
dataDetection | is automatic data detection enabled (0|1) |
dirty | dirty state of the window (0|1) |
encoding | file's encoding |
font | window's font (specified as a dictionary) |
grammarChecking | is grammar checking enabled (0|1) |
hasSpurious | window has inconsistent end of lines (0|1) |
incrementalSearching | is incremental searching in FindBar enabled (0|1) |
lineNumbers | display the left margin with line numbers (0|1) |
linkDetection | automatic detection of hyperlinks (0|1) |
needsBreak | window has lines longer than needsBreakColumn preference (0|1) |
platform | kind of end-of-line symbols. Possible values: macintosh, unix, windows. |
quoteSubstitution | is automatic quotation mark substitution enabled (0|1) |
readOnly | is the window in read-only mode (0|1) |
recordState | remember the window's state (0|1) |
shell | is the window of kind shell (0|1) |
showInvisibles | display invisible characters (0|1) |
smartInsertDelete | smart insertion of space around words (0|1) |
spellingCorrection | spelling correction (0|1) |
spin | is the spinning progress indicator visible (0|1) |
tabsize | size of tabulations |
textReplacement | is automatic text replacement enabled (0|1) |
undo | is the undo manager enabled (0|1) |
wordbreak | word breakingregular expression |
wrap | apply soft wrapping (0|1) |
or ~
. The argList argument is a Tcl
list containing the arguments to pass to the shell command.
Option | Description |
-b | bundle identifier |
-n | name or path of application |
-p | process identifier (integer) |
-s | application signature (four-char code) |
FormC | Canonical Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition |
FormKC | Compatibility Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition |
FormD | Canonical Decomposition |
FormKD | Compatibility Decomposition |
deminiaturize | De-minimize the window |
mergeAllWindows | Merge all separate windows into one window that contains multiple tabs |
miniaturize | Display the minimized window in the Dock |
newWindowForTab | Create a new tab (simulates the plus button) |
nextTab | Select the next tabbed window |
orderBack | Move the window to the back of its level |
orderFront | Move the window to the front of its level |
orderOut | Hide the window |
previousTab | Select the previous tabbed window |
tabToNewWindow | Move a tabbed window to a separate window |
toggleFullScreen | Take the window into or out of fullscreen mode |
toggleTabBar | Show or hide the tab bar |
toggleTabOverview | Show or hide the tabs overview grid |
toggleToolbarShown | Show or hide the toolbar |
zoom | Simulate the user clicking the zoom box |