screen subcommand ?options? |
screen countThe returned value should not be cached as screens can be added, removed, or dynamically reconfigured at any time.
screen current ?-w win?The returned value is the index of the screen containing the specified window. When the window is partly on one screen and partly on another, the screen where most of it lies is returned.
screen description numThe num argument is the index of the screen among the list of all screens.
Key | Description |
bitsPerSample | bit depth of the display’s raster image |
colorSpace | name of the display’s color space |
resolution | raster resolution in dots per inch |
size | size of the display’s frame rectangle |
screen frame ?-v? numThe num argument is the index of the screen among the list of all screens. The screen at index 0 corresponds to the primary screen of the user's system which is not necessarily the main screen (obtained using the [screen main] command).
screen mainThe main screen is not necessarily the same screen that contains the menu bar: it refers to the screen containing the window that is currently receiving keyboard events.
) and enter the following commands, one by
«» screen count 2 «» screen main 1 «» screen frame 0 0.0 0.0 1440.0 900.0 «» screen frame -v 0 0.0 74.0 1440.0 804.0 «» screen frame 1 1440.0 -180.0 1920.0 1080.0 «» screen frame -v 1 1440.0 -180.0 1920.0 1057.0 «» screen description 0 bitsPerSample 8 colorSpace NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace resolution {72.0 72.0} size {1440.0 900.0} «» screen current -w "* Tcl Shell *" 1