The [contactRef] command.


The contactRef command gives access to your contacts for AlphaTcl packages. It lets you manage the contacts stored in the system-wide Address Book database, retrieve information, create new records, organize them in subgroups, etc.
Conceptually, the database is made of two kinds of records: person records and group records. The groups are containers that let you organize your contacts. A person can belong to multiple groups or to none at all. Groups can contain persons and subgroups. A group to which a person or subgroup belongs is called a parent group.
All the items (persons or groups) have a unique identifier (referred to, in this document, as their unique ID).
Each record contains an arbitrary number of fields known as properties. See the Contact Properties section for more information.


The formal syntax of the [contactRef] command is:
contactRef subcommand ?options?
The possible subcommands are described below. Depending on the subcommand, some options may be specified.

The [add] subcommand

This subcommand adds items to a group. The complete syntax is:
contactRef add groupID recordID ?recordID ...?
The groupID argument is the unique identifier of a group. The recordID arguments are the identifiers of the items you want to add to the group. These items can be either groups or persons. If an item is already part of this group, it is ignored. Recursions are not allowed (you cannot add a group to itself) and are silently ignored.

The [count] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get the count of items (groups or persons) in the database. The complete syntax is:
contactRef count ?-groups? ?-in groupID?
By default, the command reports the number of people. If the -groups option is specified, it reports the number of groups instead.
If the -in option is specified, the count is limited to the contents of the group designated by the groupID identifier.

The [create] subcommand

This subcommand creates a new record (group or person). The complete syntax is:
contactRef create (group|person) name
In case of success, the command returns the unique ID of the newly created item. Note that the record is created in memory and that you must invoke the [contactRef save] to actually write it in the Address Book database.

The [delete] subcommand

This subcommand removes a record (group or person) from the Address Book database. The complete syntax is:
contactRef delete recordID
If recordID is not a valid record identifier, the command raises an error. Otherwise, the return value is empty.

The [groups] subcommand

This subcommand returns all the groups in the AddressBook database. The complete syntax is:
contactRef groups ?-in groupID?
It returns a list of identifiers. The -in option lets you specify the identifier of a group: in that case, the output is limited to the subgroups of this group.

The [identifiers] subcommand

This subcommand lets you manage the identifiers of multivalue properties. The complete syntax is:
contactRef identifiers subcommand ?options?
This command applies only to multivalue properties. As explained in the section Property Labels and Identifiers, all the values in a multivalue have a unique identifier (not to be confused with record identifiers). It supports the following subcommands.

The [identifiers distribution] subcommand

contactRef identifiers distribution personID propName groupID ?id?
This command lets you get or set the distribution identifier. The propName property must be a multivalue property and personID must belong to the group groupID. If the id argument is not specified, the command returns the current distribution identifier (which would be, by default, the primary identifier). If id is specified, it must be one of the identifiers of the multivalued property propName: the command then makes it the new distribution identifier.
The command will raise an error if the property is not a multivalue list property, or if the person is not a member of the group.
For more information about the distribution identifier, see the Distribution identifier section.

The [identifiers get] subcommand

contactRef identifiers get recordID propName
This command returns the identifiers of all the values of the propName property for the record recordID.

The [identifiers primary] subcommand

contactRef identifiers primary recordID propName ?id?
This command lets you get or set the primary identifier. The propName property must be a multivalue property for the recordID record. If the id argument is not specified, the command returns the current primary identifier. If id is specified, it must be one of the identifiers of the multivalued property propName: the command then makes it the new primary identifier.
For more information about the primary identifier, see the Primary identifier section.

The [image] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get or set the image of a person in the Address Book. The complete syntax is:
contactRef image personID 
contactRef image personID (data | -token imgToken)
In the first form, the command returns the current image representation (if it exists) of the person with unique ID personID. The return value is binary. It raises an error if no image is available.
In the second form, the command sets the image of the person record with unique ID personID. The contents of the image can be passed directly as binary data. Alternatively, one can specify the image using the -token argument: its value must be a valid image token (typically obtained with the [imageRef create] command). Data should be in an NSImage/QuickTime compatible format.

The [labels] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get or set the labels of multivalue properties. The complete syntax is:
contactRef labels recordID propName  
contactRef labels recordID propName index 
contactRef labels recordID propName index value
The first form of the command lets you get the all the labels of a multivalue property.
The second form of the command allows you to get the label of the value at a given index in a multivalued property (the first value is at index 0).
The third form of the command lets you set the label at the given index to the given value.
This command applies only to multivalue properties: if propName is a single value property, the command raises an error. If index is out of range, the command also raises an error.
For more information about labels, see the Property Labels and Identifiers section.

The [me] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get the record of the current user. The complete syntax is:
contactRef me 
The command returns the unique ID of the record that represents the user.

The [modified] subcommand

This subcommand tells whether the address book has unsaved changes. The complete syntax is:
contactRef modified
It returns 1 if changes were made in the database, 0 otherwise. Changes are made in memory with commands such as [contactRef create], [contactRef remove] or [contactRef set].

The [name] subcommand

This subcommand builds a display name for a given item (group or person). The complete syntax is:
contactRef name recordID
It returns a formatted name for the record with unique ID recordID suitable for displaying to the user. This display name is composed using the available name or organization properties.

The [parents] subcommand

This subcommand lists all the groups containing a given item (group or person). The complete syntax is:
contactRef parents recordID
If the recordID argument represents a person, the command returns the unique IDs of all the groups this person belongs to, otherwise, if recordID represents a group, it returns the unique IDs of all the groups this group belongs to.

The [persons] subcommand

This subcommand returns all the people in the AddressBook database. The complete syntax is:
contactRef persons ?-in groupID?
It returns a list of identifiers. The -in option lets you specify the identifier of a group: in that case, the output is limited to the members of this group.

The [property] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get information about the existing properties and add new ones. The complete syntax is:
contactRef property subcommand ?options?
It supports the following subcommands.

The [property add] subcommand

contactRef property add ?-groups? propName propType
This command lets you define custom properties. The propName argument is the name of the new property. Property names must be unique: you may want to use Java-style package names for your properties, for example, org.dogclub.dogname or The propType argument is the type of the new property: see the possible values in the Types table below.
By default, this command applies to person properties, but if the -groups option is specified, it applies to group properties.

The [property list] subcommand

contactRef property list recordID
This command returns the list of the currently defined properties in the record with unique ID recordID. The record can be either a person, or a group.

The [property names] subcommand

contactRef property names ?-groups?
This command returns the names of the currently defined properties (built-in and custom properties). By default, it applies to person properties, but if the -groups option is specified, it returns group properties.

The [property type] subcommand

contactRef property type ?-groups? propName
This command lets you query the type of a given property. The propName argument must be the name of an existing property. By default, it applies to person properties, but if the -groups option is specified, it applies to group properties.
The return value is one of the values listed in the Types table below.

The [remove] subcommand

This subcommand removes items from a group. The complete syntax is:
contactRef remove groupID recordID ?recordID ...?
The groupID argument is the unique identifier of a group. The recordID arguments are the identifiers of the items you want to remove from the group. These items can be either groups or persons. If an item is not part of the group, it is ignored.

The [save] subcommand

This subcommand lets you save the changes made in the address book. The complete syntax is:
contactRef save
It saves on disk the changes made since the last save. If the operation fails, the command raises an error. See the command [contactRef modified] to check if the database has unsaved changes.

The [search] subcommand

This subcommand lets you perform simple searches on the Address Book database. The complete syntax is:
contactRef search ?-groups? ?-nocase? ?-key str? ?-label str? property op value
This command searches all the records corresponding to the criterion described by the last three arguments: By default, this command applies to person properties, but if the -groups option is specified, it applies to group properties instead.
The -nocase option concerns string comparisons and indicates that no distinction is made between upper and lower case.
The -label option lets you specify a particular label in case the property argument corresponds to a multivalue property. Do not specify this option if you want to perform the search over all the possible labels.
The -key option lets you specify a particular key in case the property argument corresponds to a dictionary. Do not specify this option if you want to search all keys.
The command returns a list of unique IDs for all the records matching the search criterion.

The [set] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get or set the value of a property for a given item (group or person). The complete syntax is:
contactRef set recordID propertyName 
contactRef set recordID propertyName value
In the first form, the command returns the value of the property propertyName for the item designated by the recordID argument. If propertyName is a multivalue property, the command returns a keyed list (see the Property Labels and Identifiers section).
In the second form, the command sets the value of the property propertyName to value for the item designated by the recordID argument. If the value argument is an empty string, the property's value is removed. If propertyName is a multivalue property, the value must be formatted as a keyed list.
The command raise an error in case of failure, for instance if the item does not support the requested property or if the value is ill-formatted.

The [type] subcommand

This subcommand returns a record's type. The complete syntax is:
contactRef type recordID
The return value is either group or person. If recordID is not a valid record identifier, the command raises an error.

The [vcard] subcommand

This subcommand manages vCard representations of a person. The complete syntax is:
contactRef vcard personID
contactRef vcard -create data 
In the first form, the personID argument must be the unique ID of a person and the command returns a vCard representation for this person. Note that the returned data can be binary (if the record contains an image).
In the second form, if the -create option is specified, the command attempts to create, in the Address Book database, a new entry corresponding to the given data. If data is not a valid vCard representation, the command raises an error. In case of success, it returns the unique ID of the new entry.

Contact Properties

The various fields contained in Address Book records are known as properties.

Property Names

The following table gives the name of the built-in properties and their corresponding type. One can also declare custom properties and types (see the [contactRef property] command).
AddressStreet addressesMultiDictionary
AlternateBirthdayComponentsAlternate non-Gregorian birth dateDateComponents
BirthdayComponentsBirth dateDateComponents
BirthdayBirth dateDate
calendarURIsCalendar URIsMultiString
CreationCreation date (when first saved)Date
ABDepartmentDepartment nameString
FirstPhoneticFirst name phoneticString
FirstFirst nameString
GroupNameName of the groupString
HomePageHome Web pageString
InstantMessageInstant messagingMultiDictionary
JobTitleJob titleString
LastPhoneticLast name phoneticString
LastLast nameString
MaidenNameMaiden nameString
MiddlePhoneticMiddle name phoneticString
MiddleMiddle nameString
ModificationLast saved dateDate
OrganizationPhoneticCompany name phoneticString
OrganizationCompany nameString
PhoneGeneric phone numberMultiString
SocialProfileSocial profilesMultiDictionary
Suffix"Sr.", "Jr.", "III"String
Title"Sir", "Duke", "General", "Lord"String
UIDThe UID propertyString
The following table gives the supported key names for properties stored in dictionaries:
NamesDictionary keys
AddressCity, CountryCode, Country, State, Street, ZIP
InstantMessageInstantMessageUsername, InstantMessageService
SocialProfileserviceName, url, userIdentifier, username
The InstantMessageService key currently supports the following values: Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, MySpace, SinaWeibo, TencentWeibo, Twitter, Yelp.
The serviceName key currently supports the following values: AIMInstant, FacebookInstant, GaduGaduInstant, GoogleTalkInstant, ICQInstant, JabberInstant, MSNInstant, QQInstant, SkypeInstant, YahooInstant.

Property Values and Types

Some properties have a single value (like your last name, birthday, etc.) while others have multiple values. For instance, the Phone or Email properties are multivalue properties since a person can have several phone numbers and several different emails.
Each value has a type and each type has its own internal representation. For instance, the FirstName and LastName properties are strings, the Birthday property is a date.
The following table gives the name and data representation of the available types:
DateComponentsdate components
MultiStringlist of strings
MultiIntegerlist of numbers
MultiReallist of numbers
MultiDatelist of dates
MultiArraylist of arrays
MultiDictionarylist of dictionaries
MultiDatalist of data
MultiDateComponentslist of date components
Multivalue properties are represented as lists. For instance, the Address property is a list since one can have several addresses (for home, work, summer vacations, etc.) : each address value is represented as a dictionary (with keys corresponding to the street, city, ZIP code etc.). The exact format for these multivalue lists is described in the next section (Property Labels and Identifiers).
Dates are returned as numeric values suitable for use with the [clock format] Tcl command. The value is the number of seconds relative to "Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970" (values are negative for dates prior to this date).

Property Labels and Identifiers

Each item in a multivalue property has a numeric index (its position within the list), a unique identifier, a string label (such as Home or Work), and a value. The labels are not necessarily unique, but the identifiers are. For instance, you can have multiple phone numbers labeled as Mobile, but each of these phone numbers has its own identifier.
The multivalue properties are conveniently represented in Tcl by keyed lists. A keyed list is a list in which each element contains a key and value pair. These pairs are stored as two-element lists, where the key is the first element of the list, and the value is the second. For instance: a value of the Phone property could be represented as
{Home 12345678} {Work 87654321} {iPhone 01234567}
The TclX extension defines useful procs (keylget, keylset, etc.) to manipulate keyed lists.

Primary and Distribution Identifiers

The notions of primary and distribution identifiers make sense for multivalue properties only.

Primary identifier

The notion of primary identifier must be understood in the context of a multivalue.
As seen in the previous section, each value within a multivalue property has an identifier. Each multivalue list has a primary value, which is the item the user most strongly associates with that person. For example, friends may have both home and work addresses, but the home address is their primary address. And coworkers may have both home and work phone numbers, but the work number is their primary number.
To manipulate primary identifiers see the [contactRef identifiers primary] command.

Distribution identifier

The notion of distribution identifier must be understood in the context of a group.
Groups not only help to organize person records, but also allow you to create email distribution lists. Distribution identifiers let you use groups as distribution lists, by indicating which value in a multivalue property should be used when addressing the group or sending a message to this group.
The default distribution identifier is the property's primary identifier. Generally, users will want to use the value marked as primary as the distribution identifier, but in some cases they will want to designate another one.
To manipulate distribution identifiers see the [contactRef identifiers distribution] command. Note that users can also edit this from the OSX Address Book application, by selecting Edit Distribution List from the Edit menu of this application.


Last updated 2020-06-13 19:28:56