The [movieRef] command.


The movieRef command lets you create and manipulate movie objects in Alpha.


The formal syntax of the [movieRef] command is:
movieRef subcommand ?options?
The possible subcommands are described below. Depending on the subcommand, various options can be additionally specified.

The [create] subcommand

This subcommand creates a new movie object. It has the following syntax:
    movieRef create (-file str|-url str)
This command returns a token used in the other subcommands to uniquely identify the movie.
One of the options -file, or -url must be specified:

The [delete] subcommand

This subcommand lets you delete a movie reference. The syntax is:
    movieRef delete token
After deletion, the token associated with the movie is not valid anymore.

The [list] subcommand

This subcommand returns a list of the existing movie tokens. The syntax is:
    movieRef list

The [pause] subcommand

This subcommand lets you pause movie playback. The syntax is:
    movieRef pause token

The [play] subcommand

This subcommand lets you start the movie playback. The syntax is:
    movieRef play token

The [rate] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get or set the rate of a movie. The syntax is:
    movieRef rate token
    movieRef rate token value
The first form of the command returns the current rate.
The second form of the command is used to set the rate for a movie. A value 0.0 means "stopped", 1.0 means "play at the natural rate of the current item".

The [volume] subcommand

This subcommand lets you get or set the volume of a movie. The syntax is:
    movieRef volume token
    movieRef volume token value
The first form of the command returns the current volume.
The second form of the command is used to set the volume for a movie. A value 0.0 means "silence all audio", 1.0 means "play at the full volume of the current item".

Last updated 2019-10-17 13:29:29