Examples Help
Version:9.2.3 - "Suhail"
Last update:2021-05-21 14:43:30

This document describes the contents of the folder Examples, included as a part of the Alpha distribution.


The Examples folder is not an essential component of the software. Removing it, however, will not reduce the memory requirements of the program, and will only save disk space.
Alpha is a mode-based text editor. This means that its behavior can change depending on the type of file that one has opened. A LaTeX file, for example, with a file suffix .tex, will induce Alpha to load special LaTeX menus, colorize keywords, and adopt a particular indenting scheme. Other modes are specific to html files, or various programming / syntax languages. Several modes have been installed with their own Help files.
The links below open example files in a shell window which you can modify at your leisure to explore a mode's schema for colorizing, file marking, indenting, etc. None of the changes you make will affect the actual file. If you close the window and then click on the hyperlink again, you will start with the same example as before. The examples are listed in several major sections.
In this document, the hyperlinks lead to examples for the specified mode. Clicking over the link will load the proper mode and open up the corresponding example file. Some modes are still waiting for a contribution -- if you have a worthy example, the last section of this file contains an e-mail address for making submissions. Other hyperlinks refer to either help manuals installed with Alpha, or www links. If the example file refers to a mode that is not installed, Alpha will open it in Text mode by default.
All the example files can also been accessed through the Help ↣ Examples submenu.
Some of the annotation comes from the University of Montana "Language Finger" (UMLF). Most of the rest comes from program specific web sites.

Determining Window Modes

Alpha determines the proper mode of a window/file in one of several ways. The file suffix of the window might be mapped to a particular mode -- see the File-Mappings Preferences panel for examples, or to change the file mappings associated with given modes. Smart mode lines that appear in the first line of a file such as this:
    # -*-Tcl-*-
or this:
    * -*-Stta-*-
will take precedence over file suffixes if such a line exists, or unix style application lines such as
    # /usr/stata
will be recognized and mapped to the mode which has internally declared itself as the mode for such applications. If Alpha cannot determine the proper mode using these criteria, the default mode is Text. The mode of the current window can also be changed manually using the Mode pop-up menu found in the window's toolbar. This menu lists most of the modes currently recognized by Alpha (select the More Choices… item if a known mode is missing).
Many of Alpha's modes have been submitted by users, and are being continually revised and updated. The Alpha Manual contains more information on how to determine what packages you have available, as well as how to find and install additional modes that might not be part of the "official" distribution. The file Extending Alpha explains how you could write additional modes, menus or features yourself. Although Alpha contains many modes that you might never use, uninstalling them will not reduce the memory requirements of the program, and will only save disk space.

LaTeX Modes

The LaTeX example below not only demonstrates Alpha's behavior for TeX mode, it also serves as introduction to the markup language.


TeX mode, for the family of TeX and LaTeX files. (This includes .tex, .sty, .cls, .bst etc. files.)
This example is David R. Wilkins' Getting Started with LaTeX, a 45 page introduction to Leslie Lamport's set of extensions to Donald Knuth's TeX typesetting program. This is a self-contained LaTeX file, which does not rely upon any extra .sty files. If one has already installed a LaTeX processing software package, such as LiveTeX, OzTeX or CMacTeX, one could process the actual file contained in the Examples folder LaTeX-Example.tex (rather than the hyperlink above) and obtain an excellent manual for LaTeX.


Bib mode, for LaTeX bibliography files.
HelpBibTeX Mode Help
This file is a compendium of books on computer languages and programming.
The Bib mode can also convert .bib files to .html or .refer (EndNote), and can also convert some formats such as MARC or ISI to .bib, which is very convenient. You might not have to create a BibTeX entry from scratch ever again! See BibTeX Mode Help for details, or the package Bib Convert help.


Mf mode, to use Alpha as the front end for Metafont (with TeXLive, CMacTeX or OzTeX).
HelpMetafont Mode Help
Metafont is the programming language written, as a companion to TeX, by Donald Knuth in order to create characters, fonts, font families (and many others things). Metafont allows you to write the source files which TeX and Latex will invoke at runtime to build the fonts they need: fonts are built according to the desired size and to the resolution of your printer in order to get printed documents with the highest typographic quality.


Mp mode, to use Alpha as the front end for Metapost (with TeXLive, CMacTeX or OzTeX).
HelpMetapost Mode Help
Metapost is a programming language written by John Hobby in order to create all kinds of figures, graphs, pictures to include in a document prepared with TeX or with Troff. Its syntax is very much like Metafont's syntax but Metapost outputs are Postscript encapsulated files.


PS mode, for PostScript files. This example is a PostScript version of the first four pages of the Getting Started With LaTeX manual. Alpha's PS mode is also useful for seeing the internal contents of PDF files. (Not specifically in the LaTeX family of modes, but it doesn't really fit well in the other categories, either.)
HelpPostScript Mode Help
PostScript is a language, not a graphic file format. A PostScript file is really a program, not graphical data. The difference is that by looking at a PostScript file you (or an application) cannot easily tell what the file represents. Instead, you must run the file to see what it does. Generally, the result of running a PostScript program is to draw marks on a graphical page.
See also https://www.glyphic.com/free/macgs.html.

HTML / WWW Modes

The HTML example below not only demonstrates Alpha's behavior for HTML mode, it also serves as an introduction to the markup language.


HTML mode, for the family of World Wide Web html files. (This includes .shtml, .css, .js files.)
HelpHTML Mode Help
HTML stands for HyperText Machine (or Markup) Language. HTML is a subset of SGML. It is a computer language used to create webpages. A newer version now exists, called Dynamic HTML, or DHTML. It allows precisely-controlled page layout, animation, new interactivity and much more.
This example is the NSCA's A Beginner's Guide to html, which sets forth the required elements of a standard html web page, as well as additional tags that one might use for stylistic or formatting purposes. If one opened the actual file in the Examples folder HTML-Example.html instead of the above hyperlink, it could then be sent to the defined web browser.


CSS mode, for (html) cascading style sheets.
HelpCSS Mode Help


JScr mode, for (html) javascript scripts.
HelpJavaScript Mode Help


PHP mode, for PHP-enabled web pages.
HelpPHP Mode Help
PHP is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages. PHP is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
See also https://www.php.net.


Wiki mode, for editing collaborative Wiki Wiki Web pages.
HelpWiki Menu Help
The ideas of Wiki may seem strange at first, but dive in and explore its links. Wiki is a composition system; it's a discussion medium; it's a repository; it's a mail system; it's a tool for collaboration. Really, we don't know quite what it is, but it's a fun way of communicating asynchronously across the network.
The name Wiki may seem strange too - what does it mean? The WikiWikiWebFaq answers this and other questions, but the short answer is that Wiki Wiki is Hawaiian for quick. See also https://c2.com/cgi/wiki.
Alpha's Wiki mode facilitates the editing of Wiki pages. There are no Wiki file mappings, so if you're cutting and pasting the contents of a wiki editing text field from an internet browser window you have to open a new window in Alpha and manually change the mode to Wiki. Alternatively, you may save your file with a .wiki extension to automatically open it in Wiki mode.
Selecting an edit hyperlink in a WWW rendering of a wiki page will open a new window in Wiki mode, and allow you to post the edited content back to the wiki source. (See the WWW mode section below for more information about viewing remote url files in Alpha.) You can also create a list of favorite wiki pages using the Wiki menu, which are remembered between editing sessions.
Alpha has a wiki page at https://sourceforge.net/p/alphacocoa/wiki/.


WWW mode -- a display mode for rendering web pages in Alpha.
HelpWWW Mode Help
The WWW Menu allows you to render local HTML files directly in an Alpha text window. The hyperlinks in the WWW window can be navigated with the arrow keys; the return key takes you to the target of the link if you have your preferences set to do that. Alpha supports direct browsing of the Internet.
If an internet connection is active (you'll be asked) this hyperlink will fetch and render the home page for AlphaTcl. Otherwise it will render the first page of the HTML Mode Manual

Text Markup Modes

Alpha's Text mode is used by default when the mode of a window cannot be determined via file extensions of smart mode lines. There are, however, some additional modes which primarily support the markup of text (as opposed to the creation of files specific to programming languages.)

Man pages

Helpman Mode Help
This mode is for editing unix-style reference manuals (aka man pages), those which are generally viewed using the man command. This example is the manual page for Tcl, which describes the basic syntax of Tcl.


Setx mode, for the Setext markup language.
HelpSetext Mode Help
Setext stands for Structure Enhanced Text. It is a markup scheme for plain text documents such as email messages and e-zines. Setext's primary goal is to provide a way of marking text that is visually unobtrusive, so that if you don't have a special setext browser, like EasyView, you can still read the text.


TIP mode, for Tcl Improvement Proposal suggestions.
HelpTIP Mode Help
This link will open a draft letter for a suggestion, and insert the TIP menu into the menu bar. See the https://purl.org/tcl/tip/ TIP home page for more information.


Xml mode, for eXtensible Markup Language documents
Helpxml Mode Help
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere.
See also https://www.w3.org/XML/.
The example link above will open a simple xml document.
Note that xml mode also creates two support modes -- dtd and xsl. These are used in the Xml Menu ↣ New Xml Doc submenu.

Programming / Syntax Modes

Alpha is a very useful tool for editing a variety of computer language files. If you can't find the language that you're looking for, please make a request to one of the mailing lists described in the Readme.


Ada mode, for the Ada programming language.
HelpAda Mode Help
In the 1960s and 1970s, the United States Department of Defense was using more than 2,000 languages for its mission-critical programming. Most of these were languages that were developed for one specific job. Finally, in 1975, the DoD formed the U.S. Department of Defense High-Order Language Working Group (HOLWG) to find a solution to what was often called the software crisis.
Rather than create this new language themselves, they decided to hold a contest. Coincidentally, all of the teams created Pascal-based languages. In the end, the winner was CII Honeywell-Bull in France. Eventually, the language was christened Ada, in honor of Lady Ada Lovelace, daughter of famed poet Lord Byron and assistant to mathematician Charles Babbage, who invented the Analytical Machine. Lady Ada is often considered to be the world's first programmer.
By 1990, over 200 validated Ada compilers had been produced, and in 1995 a new standard, called Ada 95, was announced. Ada 95 is object-oriented, and offers interfaces to the languages C, FORTRAN and COBOL.
See also https://www.adahome.com.


Scrp mode, for AppleScript scripts.
HelpAppleScript Mode Help
AppleScript is an English-like language used to write script files which can control the actions of the computer and the applications which run on it. Scripts can make decisions based on user-interaction or by parsing and analyzing data, documents or situations. Every Macintosh can be automated and controlled using AppleScript which comes with and is an integral part of the Macintosh operating system.
See also https://www.apple.com/applescript/.


C mode, for the C programming language.
HelpC Mode Help
C was developed out of the construction of the UNIX operating system. It has a modular programming structure and is thus useful for functional programming. Despite being a rather old language, it still seems to be used extensively for much low-level development (other languages such as Tcl, Perl, Python are all implemented in C). C++ is largely a superset of C. Other dialects include Small-C and Visual C.


C++ mode, for the C++ programming language.
HelpC++ Mode Help
C++ was designed and implemented by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories to combine the organizational and design strengths of Simula with C's facilities for systems programming. The initial version of C++, called C with Classes, was first used in 1980; it supported traditional system programming techniques and data abstraction. The basic facilities for object-oriented programming were added in 1983 and object-oriented design and programming techniques were gradually introduced into the C++ community. The language was first made commercially available in 1985. Facilities for generic programming were added to the language in the 1987-1989 time frame.
As the result of widespread use and the appearance of several independently developed C++ implementations, formal standardization of C++ started in 1990 under the auspices of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and later the International Standards Organization (ISO), leading to an international standard in 1998. During the period of standardization the standards committee acted as an important focus for the C++ community and its draft standards acted as interim definitions of the language.
See also https://www.research.att.com/~bs/.


C# mode, for the C# programming language.
HelpC# Mode Help
C# is a newish language from Microsoft, intended to compete with Java.
Microsoft C# (pronounced C sharp) is a new programming language designed for building a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. An evolution of Microsoft C and Microsoft C++, C# is simple, modern, type safe, and object oriented. C# code is compiled as managed code, which means it benefits from the services of the common language runtime. These services include language interoperability, garbage collection, enhanced security, and improved versioning support.
C# is introduced as Visual C# in the Visual Studio .NET suite. Support for Visual C# includes project templates, designers, property pages, code wizards, an object model, and other features of the development environment. The library for Visual C# programming is the .NET Framework.
See also https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cscon/html/vcoriCStartPage.asp.


Caml mode, for the Caml programming language.
HelpCamel Mode Help
ML is a computer language. Originally designed by Robin Monet, Lockwood Morris and Malcolm Newey in the early 1970's, it has undergone several revisions, resulting 2 major and differing descendants now: CAML and Standard ML.
Caml is a programming language, easy to learn, easy to use, and yet amazingly powerful. It has been developed and distributed by INRIA (the main french research institute for computer science), since 1984. It is freely available for Unix, PC or Macintosh. There exist two flavors of Caml: Caml Light and Objective Caml. Caml Light is merely a subset of Objective Caml, especially designed for teaching and learning the art of programming. In addition to the Caml Light's core language, Objective Caml features a powerful modules system, full support to object-oriented paradigm, and an optimizing compiler.
See also https://pauillac.inria.fr/caml/.


Fort mode, for the FORTRAN programming language.
HelpFortran Mode Help
FORTRAN was first developed in the 1950's and still used today. Its name comes from FORmula TRANslation, revealing its early use in processing mathematics. Dialects include FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 90. Versions include FORTRAN II, IV, and V, WATFOR, and WATFIV.


F95 mode, for the FORTRAN 95 dialect of the FORTAN programming language.
HelpFortran95 Mode Help
F95 mode supports the editing of the free-format syntax of Fortran 90, 95, 2003, 2008.


Java mode, for the Java programming language.
HelpJava Mode Help
Java is a computer language, but very powerful, intended to be machine and operating-system independent. Java will enable whatever functions the piece you call up or download has, including sound, video, etc., on your screen. It also is interactive, and can produce dynamic images on your screen, not just static ones. It was developed by Sun Micro. There is a dialect called Hot Java; on the other hand, JavaScript is a separate language.


Lisp mode, for the LISP programming language.
HelpLisp Mode Help
LISP is an acronym for LISt Processing. Its development history has often been associated with symbolic processing and with both computer and human languages. A heterogeneous list data type has always been built into the language in order to efficiently deal with arbitrary and changing models. Lisp has evolved into a family of languages. The two major dialects in use today are Common Lisp and Scheme.
See also https://www.lisp.org.


Make mode, for creating/editing/compiling makefile files.
HelpMake Mode Help
Make is one of the original Unix tools for Software Engineering, by S.I. Feldman of AT&T Bell Labs circa 1975. But there are public domain versions (eg. GNU) and versions for other systems (eg. Vax/VMS) as well. Related tools are the language compilers (cc, f77, lex, yacc, etc.) and shell programming tools (eg. awk, sed, cp, rm, etc.). You need to know how to use these. Important adjuncts are lint (source code checking for obvious errors), ctags (locate functions, etc. in source code) and mkdepend. These are nice, and good programmers use them.
See also https://www.hsrl.rutgers.edu/ug/make_help.html. See also the make man page at https://www.ntua.gr/cgi-bin/man-cgi?make.


M2 mode, for programming in Modula-2 using the RAMSES or MacMETH shell.
HelpM2 Mode Help
Modula-2 was designed by Niklaus Wirth, in 1978. He had earlier designed first Pascal, and later the first Modula, both arising out of ALGOL. (All versions of Modula are included here.) Modula-2 programs can be divided into modules (program units capable of hiding some entities comprising them); thus some modules can make use of low-level computing languages, which may be necessary for a specific machine, without requiring the entire program to do so.
The RAMSES (Research Aids for Modelling and Simulation of Environmental Systems) software is a package consisting of a shell, and several so-called sessions. Each session serves a particular purpose, modeling, experiment definition, simulation, and post-simulation analysis and can be run from within the shell.
Modula-2 for the Macintosh is available as FreeWare, courtesy ETH Zurich as part of the software packages RAMSES or MacMETH.
See also https://www.ito.umnw.ethz.ch/SysEcol/.

Objective C

Objc mode, for the Objective C programming language.
HelpObjectiveC Mode Help
Objective-C is a object oriented superset of C with a Smalltalk style (infix) message syntax. It was originally written by Brad Cox and the StepStone corporation in the early 1980s. In 1988, it was adopted as the development language for NeXTstep and was made a part of the GNU gcc compiler in 1992. It is currently used as the principle programming language for MacOSX (which is based on NeXTstep) and as the language for the GNUstep project on Linux and other platforms. Objective-C's weak typing and runtime features distinguish it from C++ and Java.
See also https://www.dekorte.com/Objective-C/.


Pasc mode, for the Pascal programming language.
HelpPascal Mode Help
The computer language Pascal was developed between 1968 and 1971, from ALGOL. It was named for the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. Its highly-structured nature makes it especially well-suited for developing algorithms.


Perl mode.
HelpPerl Mode Help
Perl is an interpreted high-level programming language developed by Larry Wall. According to Larry, he included in Perl all the cool features found in other languages and left out those features that weren't so cool.
Perl has become the premier scripting language of the Web, as most CGI programs are written in Perl. However, Perl is widely used as a rapid prototyping language and a glue language that makes it possible for different systems to work well together. Perl is popular with system administrators who use it for an infinite number of automation tasks.
Perl's roots are in UNIX but you will find Perl on a wide range of computing platforms. Because Perl is an interpreted language, Perl programs are highly portable across systems.
See also https://www.perl.com.


Pyth mode, for the Python programming language.
HelpPython Mode Help
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface. Finally, Python is portable: it runs on many brands of UNIX, on the Mac, and on PCs under MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and OS/2.
See also https://www.python.org.


Scm mode, for the Scheme programming language.
HelpScheme Mode Help
The Scheme dialect of Lisp was created in 1975 by Guy Steele and Gerry Sussman to explore ideas in programming-language semantics. They showed that a powerful language can be made "not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary". Scheme pioneered lexical scope in Lisp, first-class continuations, and tail recursion, and more recently added an advanced macro system. It's the best-known Lisp dialect after Common Lisp (which it influenced). It is IEEE standardized and widely used in universities and in electronic CAD systems.
See also https://www.lisp.org.

sh Scripts

sh mode, for unix, linux, or osx shell scripts. This example is the script used to generate on-line man reference pages, such as those found at this site: https://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~christia/man-cgi.html.
Helpsh Mode Help
The first version of UNIX was created in 1969 by Kenneth Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, system engineers at AT&T's Bell Labs. It went through many revisions and gained in popularity until 1977, when it was first made commercially available by Interactive Systems Corporation.
At the same time a team from the University of California at Berkeley was working to improve UNIX. In 1977 it released the first Berkeley Software Distribution, which became known as BSD. Over time this won favour through innovations such as the C shell.
Meanwhile the AT&T version was developing in different ways. The 1978 release of Version 7 included the Bourne Shell for the first time. By 1983 commercial interest was growing and Sun Microsystems produced a UNIX workstation. System V appeared, directly descended from the original AT&T UNIX and the prototype of the more widely used variant today.
See also https://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/.


SQL mode, for Structured Query Language database operations.
HelpSQL Mode Help
SQL is an open, freely-based computing language that uses certain terminology to extract information from data sets or to perform operations across a whole range of data. The letters stand for Structured Query Language. Dialects include Microsoft SQL, MySQL, ISQL_w, (Native) Dynamic SQL (or NDS), Jet SQL, and T-SQL (or Transact-SQL); the latter is SQL's server. Data Definition Language is a part of SQL.


Tcl mode, the programming language on which Alpha is based. Tcl has its own separate Tcl Mode Help file.
HelpTcl Mode Help
Tcl is a string-based command language. The language has only a few fundamental constructs and relatively little syntax, which makes it easy to learn. The Tcl syntax is meant to be simple (and in this respect differs to Perl), but this doesn't mean it lacks in power. Tcl is designed to be a glue that assembles software building blocks into applications, and is also used as a scripting language and for building graphical interfaces very quickly (with the Tk extension). In addition, Tcl is interpreted when the application runs. The interpreter makes it easy to build and refine your application in an interactive manner. Tcl is also available cross-platform. Programs written in Tcl/Tk can run without any changes on Windows, Macintosh (including MacOS X) and Unix.
Tcl is also used to construct complex applications. Tcl is used in some mission-critical satellite control systems; an entire ERP system has been built in Tcl, and Alphatk is 100% Tcl/Tk.
See also https://www.tcl.tk.

Science / Stat / Database Modes

Many of Alpha's modes have been written to aid in the editing of source files used for specific math/statistical/scientific applications. Many of these programs are proprietary software, others are freeware. In some cases, the mode allows Alpha to serve as the front end for these applications. While some of these modes might qualify as a proper computer programming language mode, they're included here if they primarily support the creation/manipulation of datasets.


Clan mode, for "Computerized Language Analysis" files.
HelpClan Mode Help
CLAN is a program that is designed specifically to analyze data transcribed in the format of the Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES). CLAN was written by Leonid Spektor at Carnegie Mellon University. The current version uses a graphic user interface and runs on both Macintosh and Windows machines. Earlier versions also ran on DOS and Unix without a graphic user interface. CLAN allows you to perform a large number of automatic analyses on transcript data. The analyses include fre-quency counts, word searches, co-occurrence analyses, mean length of utterance (MLU) counts, interactional analyses, text changes, and morphosyntactic analysis.
See also https://childes.psy.cmu.edu.


Coq mode, to edit Coq vernacular files (formal proofs), and for interaction with the Coq interpreter.
Coq is a formal proof management system: a proof done with Coq is mechanically checked by the machine. In particular, Coq allows: Coq is based on a framework called "Calculus of Inductive Constructions" that is both a logic and a functional programming language.
As a proof development system, Coq provides both interactive proof methods and various certified decision and semi-decision algorithms. As a platform for the formalization of mathematics, Coq provides support for light notations and implicit contents. Coq comes with libraries for efficient arithmetics in N, Z and Q, libraries about lists, finite sets and finite maps, libraries on abstract sets, relations, classical analysis, etc.
Coq is the result of more than 20 years of research, started in 1984 by Thierry Coquand and Gérard Huet. Coq is written in the Objective Caml language (with a bit of C), and is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence Version 2.1 (LGPL).
See also https://coq.inria.fr.


dot mode, to interact with "graphviz" and edit "dot" files.
Graphviz is open source graph drawing software providing a set of graph drawing tools for Unix or MS-Windows (win32) or MacOSX, including a web service interface (webdot). Graph drawing addresses the problem of visualizing structural information by constructing geometric representations of abstract graphs and networks. Automatic generation of graph drawings has important applications in key technologies such as database design, software engineering, VLSI and network design and visual interfaces in other domains.
"dot" is a simple format which describes which nodes should connect to which other nodes. Then the sophisticated layout routines quickly render it into many different output formats.
See also https://www.pixelglow.com/graphviz/ and https://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/.


GPLT mode, to use Alpha as the front end for Gnuplot.
HelpGnuplot Mode Help
Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms. The software is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It was originally intended as a graphical program which would allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data.
See also https://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/gnuplot_info.html.


Igor mode, for the IGOR data analysis and graphing package.
HelpIgor Mode Help
WaveMetrics' IGOR Pro is an extraordinarily powerful and extensible graphing, data analysis, and programming tool for scientists and engineers.
With IGOR Pro installed on your Macintosh or Windows computer, you will have the power to produce journal-quality scientific graphs, handle large data sets with ease, import data from a variety of file formats, use a wide range of capabilities for analysis and graphing, present your results effectively, use IGOR's built-in programming environment to control all its aspects, and acquire data directly from instruments.
See also https://www.wavemetrics.com/.


Maple mode, for Maple programming files.
HelpMaple Mode Help
Maple is a programming language for doing symbolic computations in mathematics. It is also a commercial programme for interpreting code written in this language.
See also https://www.maplesoft.com.


MATL mode, to use Alpha as the front end for MATLAB.
HelpMATLAB Mode Help
MATLAB is an intuitive language and a technical computing environment. It provides core mathematics and advanced graphical tools for data analysis, visualization, and algorithm and application development. With more than 500 mathematical, statistical, and engineering functions, engineers and scientists rely on the MATLAB environment for their technical computing needs.
See also https://www.mathworks.com/.

S / S+ / R

S mode, for S, S-Plus, R statistical syntax files.
HelpS Mode Help
S-Plus is the premier solution for exploratory data analysis and statistical modeling. With over 3,800 data analysis functions, including the most comprehensive set of robust and modern methods available anywhere, S-Plus allows you to perform more insightful analysis, create revealing graphics and make more informed business decisions.
This mode also sports R, the free and Open Source incarnation of the original S/S-Plus language.
See also https://www.insightful.com/products/splus/ and https://www.r-project.org.


SAS mode, for SAS statistical syntax files.
HelpSAS Mode Help
SAS/STAT software, an integral component of the SAS System, provides extensive statistical capabilities with tools for both specialized and enterprise-wide analytical needs. Ready-to-use procedures handle a wide range of statistical analyses, including analysis of variance, regression, categorical data analysis, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, psychometric analysis, cluster analysis, and nonparametric analysis.
See also https://www.sas.com.


Scil mode, for the Scilab scientific software package, used for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment.
HelpScilab Mode Help
Its features include elaborate data structures (polynomial, rational and string matrices, lists, multivariable linear systems,...); sophisticated interpreter and programming language with Matlab-like syntax; hundreds of built-in math functions (new primitives can easily be added); stunning graphics (2d, 3d, animation); open structure (easy interfacing with Fortran and C via online dynamic link); and many built-in libraries.
See also https://www-rocq.inria.fr/scilab/.


SPSS mode, for SPSS statistical syntax files.
HelpSPSS Mode Help
SPSS 10.0 is a modular, integrated product line for data access, data preparation, reporting, graphics and advanced analysis through statistical techniques. The new release updates Macintosh users to the latest version and delivers significant new capabilities in all areas of the product line, including: new modules; predictive capabilities for data mining; and dynamic, interactive graphics for the first time on the Macintosh. The software will also be available in a distributed analysis architecture (DAA), which provides users with dramatically improved performance with very large datasets.
See also https://www.spss.com.


Stta mode, for Stata statistical syntax files.
HelpStata Mode Help
Stata has complete statistical, graphical, and data-management capabilities and is also fully programmable. Stata is an environment for manipulating and analyzing data using statistical and graphical methods. Stata is an integrated package — not a collection of separate modules. You can intersperse data management, statistical, and graphical commands.
See also https://www.stata.com.

Alpha -- Specific Modes

Some of Alpha's mode are not intended for text editing. They instead support different menu items or features. This section gives examples of how Alpha might use some of the modes included in the modes pop-up menu (the menu in the status bar that currently reads Text).


Browser mode (Brws). This provides a way to navigate the results of a batch search. During a batch search, a list of all matching lines are displayed in a Brws window. By using the arrow keys and the return key, you can easily jump to the correct file and line of the match you desire.
HelpBrowser mode help
This example is a hyperlink to the Browse Fileset menu item.


Chng mode, an Alpha Developers tool for editing Changes files. This link will open the latest Alpha - Changes file.
HelpChanges Mode Help


Diff mode. This mode allows for powerful side-by-side file comparison and patching of changes back and forth between two files or directories.
HelpDiff Mode Help
This link will compare two versions of a Tcl "trains" example file.
In addition, the CompareWordByWord-Example link will demonstrate how the content of two files can be compared when one selects the (dynamic) menu command Tools ↣ Compare ↣ Windows Word By Word.


Fltr mode is enabled by the package Filters Menu, which allows for complicated search and replace functions within Alpha. For more information, see the Filters Help file.
HelpFilters Help

Feature Examples

Many of Alpha's features are best explained with a little tutorial. This section contains a small collection of the tutorials currently available.


This provides a simple calculator for use within Alpha, available from the Tools ↣ Calculator menu item.
HelpCalculator Help
This example will return the result of typing
    1 <cr> 1 + <cr>
    1 <cr> 1 + <cr> 4.2 *
It first calculates 1 + 1, then calculates (1 + 1) * 4.2


HelpDictionaries Help
The Dictionary package is a small programme running inside Alpha to look up words in plain-text dictionaries. Once activated, the Dictionary package inserts a submenu in the Tools menu (see the Features Preferences dialog to activate this package). A plain-text dictionary is any text file with one dictionary entry per line, and sorted alphabetically. The file may also contain a header with certain auxiliary Tcl procedures to specify the precise sorting criterion, and how to format an entry on the screen. The Dictionary-Examples folder contains a file dictionary-formats where the header format is explained, and it also contains four example dictionaries, where you can see what these headers can look like in practice. There is also a subfolder with some extra tools for dictionary management, and instructions for getting dictionaries.


The Filters Menu allows you to do successive Search And Replace operations for the current window (in any mode). All the operations are gathered in files called filters which you can apply to any text file opened in Alpha.
HelpFilters Menu Help
This link will open a Filters Tutorial shell window. The actual files containing the filter information are opened in Fltr mode, such as the Filters-Example.flt file. These examples will be much more useful if the Filters package is enabled via the Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ Menus dialog. See the Menus Preferences dialog.

Mac Menu

HelpMac Menu Help
Mac Menu for Alpha allows you to achieve all kinds of files manipulations from Alpha and to interact with the MacOS file system with maximum flexibility.
You can act upon selections of files taken out of a folder or a hierarchy of folders and subfolders: the selection is made using a regular expression (regexp) and setting various additional conditions. You have thus full and extended control on which files you want to manipulate. The Mac Menu package has been designed to be activated globally. See the Menus Preferences dialog.


HelpMacros Help
A macro is a sequence of recorded keystrokes that can be played back again. Unlike other macro packages you might be familiar with in other Mac applications, keyboard macros in Alpha do not record mouse movement or entries in system dialogs -- only keystrokes or menu selections are recorded. Even with these limitations, you will discover that macros can save you time through easy automation of repetitive tasks. The Macros package is a global feature. See the Features Preferences dialog.

Mail Menu

This menu allows Alpha serve as a front end to Eudora and other e-mail software packages for reading and sending e-mail. You can also read and send mail using Alpha's internal pop3 and smtp protocols.
HelpMail Help
This link will open a mail window and compose a nice note addressed to the author of this file. You will need to configure some Mail Menu settings to send it, though.

Columns Manipulation

HelpColumns Manipulation Help
The Columns Manipulation package is a feature which allows one to do various manipulations with the columns of any tabulated material i.e. a series of lines in which items are separated by a tabulation or by any other specific character (like & or a tabulation or a colon, a comma, an endash etc. or even the space character).
Once it is installed and activated, it adds a new submenu named Text ↣ Columns. The items of this submenu are explained in the Columns Manipulation Help file. The Columns Manipulation package is a global feature. See the Features Preferences dialog.

Shell Windows

Shel attributes can be attached to other modes to provide an interactive command-line shell. For example, use Tools ↣ Tcl Shell to access a Tcl shell. Click here to display the Tcl Shell
HelpShells Help
This link will open a Tcl shell and issue the commands
    cd [file join $HOME]
    cd [file join $HOME "Examples"]
    glob -dir [file join $HOME "Examples"] *
    alertnote "Hello World."
Some of these commands are Tcl commands, others are specific to AlphaTcl.
Individual shell commands can also be executed using the status bar window by first pressing Escape-X. Try typing
    alertnote "This is a test"
and then pressing return for an example. This is a very handy tool for AlphaTcl developers to debug routines without having to first open a Tcl Shell window.
Several packages in AlphaTcl also create shell windows (aka consoles) to environments other than the internal Tcl shell, such as the package Mac Menu. See the Consoles Help file and the Console Launcher package for more about consoles.

View Demo

The [view] command has been introduced in Alpha. It is based on the Cocoa NSView user interface model and lets you build all kinds of windows (dialogs, document windows, sheet windows, etc) containing GUI elements, widgets or controls.


Alpha is a collaborative project. This package would not have been possible without the suggestions and submitted/authored files from the following: ActiveState Tool Corp., Ajuba Solutions, Anders Andersen, Milton Aupperle, Jos Bergervoet, Dale Bickel, James Van Buskirk, Laurent Chéno, Panagiotis J. Christias, Vince Darley, Bernard Desgraupes, Thomas Dunbar, Andreas Fischlin, David Flanagan, David Frank, Jonathon Guyer, Donavan Hall, Yannis Haralambous, Gerrit Huizenga, Joachim Kock, Johan Linde, John Plaice, Tim Prince, Neil Schemenauer, Daniel K. Schneider, Sandra Silcot, Dorai Sitaram, David Smith, Bjarne Stroustrup, David A. Wheeler, Pierre Weis, David Wilkins, and Jos van der Woude.

Technical Notes

Alpha's Example files are installed in the Examples folder. All of the hyperlinks in this help document (as well as others) use the proc [help::openExample]. Any Help file can take advantage of this procedure to include hyperlinks to any example file included in the Examples folder.
Important: example file names must have the form 'something-Example.suffix', where something is an alpha-numeric string and .suffix is a suffix recognized by Alpha in the Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ File Mappings preferences (see the File-Mappings Preferences panel).
The dash in the filename is important and cannot be omitted !
See the help file Doc Files Help for more information about creating auto-hyperizing help files, and the syntax for automatic hyperlinks.
To submit additional examples or just better ones, please use Alpha's Mailing Lists.
Feel free to also send any bugs, comments, or suggestions on this file, via the Alpha's Bug Tracker.
This package is free.

License and Disclaimer

This document has been placed in the public domain. Unless otherwise noted, the files within the Examples folder have the license reproduced in their top section.
Copyright (c) 2021, the Alpha Community.
All rights reserved.
This software is free software and distributed under the terms of the new BSD license: