Help Blocks Marking
Alpha |
Version: | 9.2.3 - "Suhail" |
Last update: | 2021-05-21 14:43:30 |
This document explains the marking conventions used in the help blocks of
AlphaTcl packages.
For a more global overview of the documentation systems in Alpha, see
the file Doc Files Help.
Package 'help/description' arguments
Every AlphaTcl package defined using one of the following procs
alpha::mode |
alpha::menu |
alpha::feature |
alpha::extension |
alpha::library |
alpha::flag |
alpha::declare |
can add an optional 'help' argument to provide useful information about how
it is supposed to work, any optional preference settings, etc. The contents
of this argument can take one of two forms:
Text to be included in a window
If the 'help' argument is a collection of text, this will be presented in a
new window. Here's an example for the package Igor, in igorMode.tcl :
alpha::mode Igor 1.1.1 igorMenu {*.igor *.ipf} {
} {
# Script to execute at Alpha startup
addMenu igorMenu Igor
set modeCreator(IGR0) Igor
} uninstall {
catch {file delete [file join $HOME Tcl Modes igorMode.tcl]}
catch {file delete [file join $HOME Tcl Completions IgorCompletions.tcl]}
} maintainer {
} description {
Supports the editing of Igor programming files
} help {
Igor Mode supplies a menu for easy switching between Igor and Alpha,
and provides keyword coloring.
Click on this "Igor Example.igor" link for an example syntax file.
It is best to maintain the AlphaTcl convention of Indent == 4 / Tabsize == 8
in these files, and to indent all of the 'help' text by four spaces. All of
the Auto Marking Help Files colorizing tricks will be employed when these
help windows are created.
Pointers to installed Help files
If the package has an installed $HOME/Help file, then its 'help' argument should be a two item list, where the first item is the
word file and the second is the name of the installed Help file.
For example, bibtexMode.tcl can use this:
alpha::mode Bib 4.4 bibtexMenu {
*.bib *.inspec *.hollis *.isi *.marc *.oclc *.ovid *.refer
} {
bibtexMenu indentUsingSpacesOnly
} {
# Mode initialization script, evaluated during Alpha's startup.
set ::mode::interfaceNames(Bib) "BibTeX"
} help {
file "BibTeXModeHelp"
In this case, the name of the file must exactly match the name of the
installed Help file (without the extension). Case-sensitivity is important.
The name can also be an absolute path, so long as it can be determined
based on its relation to the AlphaTcl hierarchy, as in
} help {
file [file join $HOME Help BibTeXModeHelp]
These items will be opened using the Opening Help Menu items routines as
described below.
Package 'description' arguments
Each [alpha::package]
declaration can also include an optional
'description' argument, as in the Igor example above. These will be
included in the Help ↣ Installed Packages help file, as well as in some dialogs
like the Setup Assistant.
The description should be brief (i.e. 3 lines, or at most 240
characters to fit in [alertnote] dialogs or balloon
help) and explain some of the extra features provided by the package. The
first sentence should be a verb clause -- there is no need to start with
"This package/feature provides..." -- assume that this text appears after a
listing of the package's name, and that it appears in a listing context.
Balloon help / Help tags
Balloon help may appear in dialogs, or when the mouse passes over an item.
Given that, the text provided by any balloon help is created within
AlphaTcl. There are currently two different methods for doing so.
First, all preferences defined using the [newPref] proc can
be preceded by a series of commented lines which will be stored in a
special help cache file located somewhere within the application's
bundle. Here's an example for the preference named Double Spaces :
# To place two spaces after the '.' at the end of each sentence when
# filling blocks of text, click this box|| To place only a single space
# after the '.' at the end of each sentence when
# filling blocks of text, click this box
newPref flag doubleSpaces 1
This block of commented text is actually composed of four sections, each of
which is delimited by the character "|". These sections are displayed when
- Item is turned off, but can be enabled
- Item is turned off, but is dimmed
- Item is turned on, but can be disabled
- Item is turned on, but is dimmed
In practice, only the first and third blocks are used in any preference
dialogs, which is why most of these balloon help comments have an empty
second argument and separate (1) and (3) by "||". In addition to balloon
help, these blocks of text are presented when the user clicks on a Help
button in a dialog. Any trailing periods "." will be automatically inserted
when this is appropriate, so don't include them in the commented help text.
The second method for creating balloon help is reserved for AlphaTcl
packages, again those defined using [alpha::mode], [alpha::menu] etc. as listed above. These packages can define balloon
help in their 'description' arguments, as described above.
AlphaTcl Help File Conventions
Regardless of where the Help file/argument is located, some effort should
be employed to write the documentation in some sort of canonical format.
Given the collaborative nature of AlphaTcl, and the fact that Help files
have been written/updated by a wide variety of developers from different
countries of origin, the creation of a single documentary voice or style is
a challenging proposition. We don't have any paid staff devoted to
documentation, although a dedicated corps of volunteers will periodically
comb through the various help files and update them appropriately.
The following list of guidelines promote making individual Help
files fit into a unified suite of documentation. They are intended to both
make writing help files easier for developers and aid the user in finding
needed information.
(1) Use the Apple Publications Style Guidelines when appropriate.
While AlphaTcl is a cross-platform library, Apple has taken the lead in
providing developers with consistent Human Interface Guidelines that include
documentation conventions.
Unless stated otherwise, Alpha's documentation has adopted these guidelines.
In particular,
- Menu commands should be written as Menu Name ↣ Menu Command, without any
- Users "select" menu commands (or menu items), they do not click on them or
choose them.
- The frontmost/current window is the "Active Window".
- Key bindings should be referred to as "Keyboard Shortcuts".
- Modifier keys should be written as capitalized words, as in
Command-F, Shift-Option-H or Control-X O
- All of Return, Enter, Delete, Tab and Space are capitalized, no
need to surround them with any sort of brackets.
- Users "Press" keys on the keyboard, they "Type" text into a window or a
dialog text editing field, and they "Click" on dialog buttons. ("Press"
refers to a mechanical action on the part of the user, whereas "Click" is a
mouse action, and users "Hit" keys only when incredibly frustrated.)
(2) Use consistent Text Filling preferences.
All Help files/arguments should have a Fill Column length of 77,
and assume that the Double Spaces text filling preference has been turned
on. If all documentarians use these settings, then later changes that are
committed to the Subversion repository are less likely to list a lot of
changes that are based merely on formatting due to the filling of
paragraphs. Assume that the Tab size in all Help windows will be "4".
(3) Turn on the Document Projects feature when writing Help files.
This feature allows for files to automatically update "save" dates
in the header. See the Document Projects Help file
for more information.
(4) Include version numbers on all help files.
Ideally, this number would correspond to the version number of the mode /
feature / menu / extension etc. explained in the Help file. This way future
programmers and users will have a much better idea of when a Help file might
need to be updated
If a help file is more general, related to all of AlphaTcl rather than a
specific feature (such as the
Alpha Manual,
Alpha Commands
help files), these should take the current version number of AlphaTcl and be
updated prior to any major releases.
(5) Don't refer to "new" features
This is a subtle point, but Help documents that refer to new
features without any frame of reference won't make sense later -- does
"new" mean in the last two months or two years ago ?? (I've
found such references in Help files that haven't been updated for a
very long time.) Instead, make references to version numbers, as in
New in version 2.0
Changes in version 3.1
or to specific dates, as in
as of September 2003 ...
so that "new" is placed in some context.
(6) Include author / maintainer information for Help files.
The author of the package is not necessarily the author of its
associated Help file, and neither of these might be the person who is
currently updating or maintaining the Help file. Please give credit where
it is due, and include information on where one can send suggestions on the
Help file. This will help encourage users to pass on suggestions to the
appropriate documentarian.
(7) Include any license and disclaimer notes somewhere in the file.
Help documents are generally placed in the public domain, to remove
any doubt about whether these can be placed on web sites or included in
archives other than the Alpha releases. AlphaTcl packages are usually
licensed using Tcl/BSD/OpenSource style licenses, in which authors retain
all rights but allow others to modify. (Note that GNU licenses do place
restrictions on the distribution of source code in products that require
the purchase of licenses...)
Auto Marking Help Files
AlphaTcl v 7.4 introduced auto-marking / hyperizing capabilities for Help
files. If a file that contains no colors is opened through the Help Menu,
AlphaTcl will go through a series of hyperizing / marking routines defined
in help.tcl.
Auto-marking / hyperizing files must be clean before they are
opened through the Help menu -- that is, they must not have any colors or
hypers in them. If this is the case, AlphaTcl will mark the file and
perform a series of search and hyperize routines following the guidelines
These routines make writing Help files much easier -- no need to
individually Link To File anymore.
See these Alpha Dev Menu ↣ Help File Marking menu item procedures for details on what these auto-marking /
hyperizing routines actually do:
- Mark Colour Hyper:
- Window Marks:
- Window Colours:
- Window Hypers:
The operations called via the proc [help::openDirect]
uses these procedures, via the proc [help::markColourAndHyper], and sets some additional window information
(read-only 1, dirty 0, tabsize 4).
The following sections describe the syntax required to achieve
marks, hypers and colors in these files. Note: there is an additional
marking regime for unix style manuals (i.e. those created for troff),
that might be used instead for particular files. See the Help File Marking Exceptions section below.
To create a mark, start the line with
which means type a tabulation, two spaces and a tabulation.
This sequence of whitespace will be stripped from the mark name.
Subsequent Spaces and Tabs will indent the mark's name, which is useful for
sub-sections. (Note that a Tab will indent the name of the mark only one
space.) To insert a section divider, include a line that contains only =
signs, optionally preceded by whitespace.
Note that the proc [help::openDirect] will automatically convert tab sizes to 4.
Help File Marking Exceptions
There is an alternative marking routine, proc [help::markAsReferenceManual], that is used in place of help::markAsAlphaManual for certain files that are identified as being
in a 'manual' format. See the proc [help::markHelpFile]
to find out how this is determined.
These files will still hyperize e-mails and urls and all extra,
but marks are based on any word which follows the string NAME, where NAME
is the first word encountered on a line. (See Error Help for an example.) Additional coloring is added for lines which contain
The Alpha Commands file has it's own marking
procedure as well, using the proc [help::markAsAlphaCommands], which is not be used for any other file.
Important: both of these routines only apply to Help files
in Text mode.
Any line that begins with one (and only one) tab will be colored blue.
Subsequent lines that begin with a tab will be colored blue as well.
The string IMPORTANT:
will be colored red, as will menu directions that
include Menu Name ↣ Menu Command:
Syntax | Result |
"File > Open" | File ↣ Open |
"AlphaX > Global Setup > File Mappings" | Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ File Mappings |
"Text > Fill Paragraph" | Text ↣ Fill Paragraph |
"Alpha Dev Menu > Help File Marking > Colour Headings Etc" | Alpha Dev Menu ↣ Help File Marking ↣ Colour Headings Etc |
While several variations are allowed (i.e. double vs single quotes, the use of
"-->" instead of ">"), these examples demonstrate the format that should be
used in all Help files. Note that ellipses are never included in the names of
the commands even if they are present in the menu.
Managing Table Of Contents
An Alpha Help file typically has a Table Of Contents consisting of one
hyperlinked line for each section or subsection. If there are no other
marks in the file than section marks (those picked up by the
tab-space-space-tab tag), this table of contents can be generated
automatically with the commands help::rebuildTableOfContents, available
from Alpha Dev Menu ↣ Help File Marking ↣ Rebuild Table Of Contents.
This will replace any existing Table Of Contents with one calculated
from the marks. (To build the first Table Of Contents, just put manually
an empty Table Of Contents at the desired place.)
Rather than just overwriting the existing Table, which might have been
taylor-made for some reason, you can compare it with the one corresponding
to the marks, via the command
Alpha Dev Menu ↣ Help File Marking ↣ Check Table Of Contents:
this will perform the comparison in a Diff window,
in which you can manually patch the Table Of Contents as required.
Example/Tutorial Files
Most of Alpha's help files are contained in the Help directory. Example
files, however, are in the Examples directory. Feel free to contribute
additional example files, which can be accessed by hyperlinks (see the section
on Hyperlinks to Examples below), menu items (as in the Filters and the
Mac Menu packages), or by hyperlinks in the Examples Help file. (This last
has to be updated manually -- see the notes at the bottom of that file for
more information.)
Completion tutorials are kept in the Tcl/Completions folder, and can be
accessed by the Alpha ↣ Mode Setup ↣ Completions Tutorial menu item,
hyperlinks in the "Installed Packages" help file, or by hyperlinks created in
other help files. (See the Hyperlinks to Installed Files section below.)
A word about Example and Completion Tutorial filenames:
Example files should use file mappings to properly open the window in the
desired mode. If the file has a Smart Line, like this:
then that will be used preferentially. The actual filename doesn't matter
as of this writing: Setx-Example.stx and Setext-Example.stx will be
treated the same. (Only the second file is actually installed, so the first
hyperlink won't work.)
Completion tutorials, however, must follow a different set of rules. These
files MUST begin with the exact name of the mode, followed by the string
Tutorial. The file suffix in this case doesn't matter. Here are a few
"M2 Tutorial.m2"
"Bib Tutorial.bib"
Note that these file name syntax rules are subject to both debate and change
as Alpha's Help files and routines undergo more extensive updating and
revision -- watch this space for more details.
Hyperlinks are created by the procs in help.tcl.
Hyperlinks to Window Marks
Any mark in the current window can be hyperlinked by using an anchor syntax,
preceding the mark's name by '#' and surrounding it with double quotes, as in
Hyperlinks to Examples. It is not necessary to compensate for any extra
spacing that might occur in setting the actual mark name.
Hyperlinks to Installed Files
To create a hyperlink to most .tcl files, include the file's name in quotes:
To create a hyperlink to most Help files, include the file's name in quotes:
"ExtendingAlpha" "AlphaManual" "CalculatorHelp"
Help for specific packages can be hyperlinked in two ways. The first is to
precede the package's name with package: , as in package: latexAccents.
The second way is to surround the package's name in quotes, and add Help as
in "recentDirsMenu Help".
Completion files and Completion Tutorials can also be hyperlinked:
"TclCompletions.tcl" "Text Tutorial" "C Tutorial.r"
Hyperlinks to Examples
To include an example hyperlink, which will open any file in the Mode
Examples folder in read-only format, simply put the file's name in quotes:
To open the example in a shell window, which will insert some explanatory
comments at the top of the window and allow for any modifications without
altering the original file, omit the dash preceding Example in the file's
"LaTeX Example.tex"
Note that examples which are opened in shell windows do not technically
exist as files, and the window will not have any file suffix. This could
disable some mode features that rely on file suffixes, and the window can
not be sent to other applications.
If you want to include an example that does something different than these two
default routines, you must create a -Example.sfx.tcl
file. The
AlphaTcl-specific modes use such scripts (i.e. Compare Example sources
Compare-Example.tcl). These can also be adapted for package-specific
tutorials, such as the tutorials
"Filters Example" "Filters-Example.tcl"
See some of the .tcl files in the Examples folder for more examples.
Hyperlinks to Prefs Files
The procs in help.tcl recognize Prefs.tcl
strings. Thus I can
include the following lines in my Statistical Modes Help file:
To add keywords in a "SASPrefs.tcl" file, include the following commands:
set SASuserCommands {
blah blahdity etc
Clicking on the "SASPrefs.tcl" link will prompt the user to create the file if
necessary. The string "prefs.tcl" will similarly open the global preferences
Hyperlinks to Preference Dialogs
You can also hyperlink to open prefs dialogs, by using the strings
preferences: <somePackage>
Preferences: <somePackage>
Here's some examples:
preferences: Appearance
preferences: Help
Preferences: WWW
Preferences: GlobalPreferences
preferences: Menus
Preferences: Features
Preferences: SpecialKeys
preferences: Mode-Bib
Preferences: Mode-Tcl
Preferences: Mode-Menus
Preferences: Mode-Menus-Tcl
Preferences: Mode-Features
Preferences: Mode-Features-Tcl
Preferences: supersearch
Preferences: filtersMenu
Note that there is a difference between
Preferences: Text and
Preferences: Mode-Text
The helper applications (Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ Helper Applications)
dialog can be opened with
Preferences: HelperApps
Individual "X-service" (or external service) helpers can be set with
Preferences: Helpers-viewURL
Preferences: Helpers-ftpList
Preferences: Helpers-Compare
The service name must be exact, i.e.
Preferences: Helpers-viewUrl
will not work.
See the proc [help::openPrefsDialog] for more
information about the syntax that this special procedure requires.
Hyperlinks to Hypertext
Strings embedded in << >>
will be treated as hypertext. For example,
<<WWW::renderFile [file join $HOME Help "AppleScriptModeHelp.html"]>>
will send the AppleScriptModeHelp.html file to the WWW Menu for parsing.
will open the Alpha ↣ Preferences ↣ File Mappings dialog.
Hyperlinks to Tcl Shift-Command-Double-Click
When a file is in Tcl mode, Shift-Command-Double-Clicking on a defined procedure
will open the file in which that proc is contained. In Help files, the string
will create a hyperlink which does the same, as in
proc: Tcl::DblClickHelper
Very handy for AlphaTcl developer help files ! This will also work for
AlphaTcl or Tcl commands, as in proc: modeColoring or proc: proc.
An alternative hyperlink hint is "command: ", as in command: append or
command: abbrev. Note that proc:
and command:
do the exact
same thing, following the orders of precedence in Tcl::DblClickHelper.
A similar construction will display the current value for any defined
AlphaTcl variable with
variable: ::alpha::application
variable: TextmodeVars
variable: dummyVariable
Hyperlinks for Urls/Emails
Finally, email and url addresses surrounded by <> will be hyperized as well,
as in <> or <>.
There is also a special case for creating hyperlinks to bug reports:
Ticket #75 or alternatively Bug #75 will open bug report #75 in your
local browser. Because Requests For Enhancement are also included in
the bugs tracker, strings like RFE #123 will also work.
Tools for Auto-Hyperizing Files
Using the guidelines outlined above, any clean Help file opened through the
Help Menu will auto-mark / hyperize using the routines defined in the Alpha
Developer's Menu. In the MacOS, the window's dirty information will
then be set to "0", then the file will close and reopen. (See the proc
[help::openFile] for details.)
To color and mark files, or to remove hypers, use the menu items found in
Alpha Dev Menu ↣ Help File Marking.
Note that any files uploaded to the Alpha Subversion repository will be
distributed free of all hypers, marks and colors, so please check all of
your auto-marking help files before releasing them!
Opening Help Menu items
Whenever an item is passed through the proc [help::openFile] , we check to see
if there are any options available, i.e. files with similar root names but
different extensions. For example, if the Help folder includes
and the mode's 'help' argument looks like
alpha::mode Scrp 2.2 appleScriptMenu {*.script *.scr *.scpt *.ascr} {
} {
addMenu appleScriptMenu AppleScript Scrp
} help {
file AppleScriptModeHelp
then when the user tries to open the mode/menu's Help window a list-pick
dialog opens with both of them, as in "AppleScriptModeHelp". AlphaTcl can
currently send .html, .pdf and .tex files to the
appropriate helper application, using the proc [help::openDirect]. AlphaTcl will also present the user with any
available .html file viewing options.
There are several Help Menu preferences that can help limit the options
presented to the user, as described above. If there is only one file, or if
the preferences narrow down the options to only one format, it is sent
automatically to the proc [help::openDirect].
Exceptions -- .tcl files
If the Help folder contains a .tcl file associated with the Help menu item,
such as the TclAEHelp.tcl file, this file is immediately sourced. It is up
to the script to decide if more options will be presented to the user -- the
script can choose to ignore the Help Menu preferences or not. For more
examples see also the LaTeXHelp.tcl file.
Subdirectories in the Help folder
The name of the subdirectory will be inserted as a submenu listing the
contents of the folder, unless there is an associated .tcl file
present. In this case, the item will simply appear as another option (as
above), and selecting it will immediately source the file containing the
.tcl script.
So in both versions, if the help file for a particular feature / mode etc is a
complex .html suite (like the HTML mode manual), including a subdirectory
named (for example)
as well as the script
will simply insert LaTeX Help in the Help menu, but allow its selection
to do whatever the script wants, including opening any of the files within
the LaTeXHelp subdirectory.
Help Menu Preferences
The helpMenu package, defined in help.tcl, defines some preferences
that can be changed by the user to refine the type of help format that they
want to use; see Alpha ↣ Preferences ↣ SystemPreferences ↣ Help for the dialog that appears during the
initial Setup Assistant, or click on this hyperlink Help Preferences panel.
These preferences include:
- Preferred Help Format / Second Choice Help Format / Third Choice Help Format
- Some Help files are available in multiple formats, such as html, pdf, etc.
This preference sets a default format to open, if available. You shouldn't
have to worry about these settings, the proc [help::getChoices] will use them
to deliver the preferred option.
- Help File Window Size
- This preference only applies to text Help files that are opened within
Alpha. It allows help files to be automatically shrunk to the default size
or moved about the screen so that they are out of the way of the current open
- Help Colours
- There is also a Help mode that sets the colours to use for hyperizing, etc.
Click on this Help preferences hyperlink to
change them.
This document has been placed in the public domain.
Feel free to send any bugs, comments, or suggestions on this file to