dumpViews ?options? (token | win)
Print information about a view's hierarchy of subviews. The last argument is either the token of a view or a root window (typically obtained with the [view create] or [view root] commands respectively), or the name of a document window. This command is useful only for debugging purpose.
This command prints out the entire hierarchy of views (not only the views created by Alpha). Each view is identified by its address in memory.
The options specify which information is requested. Possible options are:
-bprint bounds
-cprint count of subviews
-fprint frame
-kprint token (if any)
-mprint flexibility (autoresizing mask)
-rprint whether the view's coordinate system is flipped
-sstart from superview (if exists)
-tprint tag
-vprint whether the view is visible
If no options are specified, the command prints the count of subviews and the frame by default.