Wiki Menu Help
Name: | Wiki Menu |
Version: | 1.3 |
Last update: | 2019-11-27 14:12:54 |
What is a Wiki?
A Wiki is a collaboratively edited web site. Alpha's Wiki Menu allows you
to edit pages from such a site and post them back to the remote server. In
general, this works well for many wiki sites. There are, unfortunately, some
Known Limitations that you should review before reporting a bug.
The ideas of 'Wiki' may seem strange at first, but dive in and explore its
links. 'Wiki' is a composition system; it's a discussion medium; it's a
repository; it's a mail system; it's a tool for collaboration... Really, we
don't know quite what it is, but it's a fun way of communicating
asynchronously across the network.
The name 'Wiki' may seem strange too - what does it mean?
The WikiWikiWebFaq answers this and other questions, but the short
answer is that 'Wiki Wiki' is Hawaiian for 'quick'.
Alpha has a wiki site at where you can
start new pages and new discussions.
Alpha's Wiki Menu
Alpha's Wiki mode and menu facilitate the editing of Wiki pages. A Wiki
page has two aspects (much like HTML pages): there is the displayed
page which is what you see in your browser when you navigate on a wiki site
and the edited page which is where you can modify the contents of
the page. The edited page is also usually accessed via your
browser but the whole point of Alpha's Wiki mode is to let you edit a wiki
page directly in Alpha and to benefit from all the editing facilities it
Try this Wiki Example hyperlink to see
what edited Wiki pages might look like. While any file with the
suffix .wiki will be opened in Wiki mode, since most wiki pages
exist on a remote server rather than in your local drive this is generally
not how you enter Wiki mode.
Quick Start
If you want a quick demonstration of how you can use Alpha's Wiki Menu,
here's two quick methods. Both require an active internet connection.
- Click on this example file: Wiki Example to fetch the Sandbox page
from the remote AlphaTcl wiki server.
- Make some editing changes.
- Save this window. The new version will be posted to the web, and should
be opened up for your inspection.
Here's a different method that more closely resembles what you might do to
open a wiki page for editing:
- Open this url using Alpha's WWW Menu:
open Alpha sandbox
- Click on the Edit link at the bottom of the page.
- Make some changes to the new window.
- Save this window (File ↣ Save or its keyboard shortcut).
The new Sandbox page should then be updated. You can confirm your changes
using your System's browser:
display Alpha sandbox.
Wasn't that cool?
Another useful feature provided by Alpha's Wiki menu is that you can
store the links to your preferred pages in order to display them rapidly,
very much like bookmarks in a Web browser. See the Saved Wiki Menu Favorites section below.
Editing Wiki Pages
There are four main methods you can use to edit Wiki contents.
Manual Copy and Paste
The first method involves manually cutting and pasting the contents of a wiki
editing text field from an internet browser window into a new Alpha window.
When prompted for the window name you can use something like, or
just leave it untitled and manually change the mode to Wiki. When you're
done editing, copy and past it back to your web browser page. This isn't so
much fun, but at least you'll have access to the
Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Text and
related menus for easy insertion of mark-up tags.
WWW Menu Hyperlinks
The second method involves interaction with pages rendered by the WWW menu.
Selecting an edit hyperlink in a WWW rendering of a wiki page will open a
new window in Wiki mode, and when you Save the file you will actually be
posting the edited content back to the wiki source.
See the WWW Help file for more information about viewing remote url files
in Alpha.
Wiki Page Displayed In Browser
The third method requires that you turn on the Wiki Menu globally.
See the Menus Preferences dialog.
Use your System's web browser to navigate to the wiki page you want
to edit (such as Alpha Sandbox).
Do _not_ click on any Edit link.
Select the Wiki Menu ↣ Edit Wiki Page
command, and you should be offered the choice to grab the url from your
browser. After doing so, and you can then edit the page in the new Wiki
mode window that is opened in Alpha.
Saved Wiki Menu Favorites
The last method requires the use of Wiki Projects (see the Wiki Projects section below).
If you find yourself editing the same pages repeatedly, you can save them in
your Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Favorites menu. See Wiki Favorites below for
more information. Saved Favorites will always be offered to you in the
initial Wiki Menu ↣ Edit Wiki Page dialog.
Saving Wiki Pages
Once an editing window is opened, saving the window in the normal manner
(i.e. the File ↣ Save command or its keyboard
shortcut ⌘S
) will automatically post the page to the remote server. Once it
has been posted, you should close the editing window; many wikis set a session id parameter which only allow you to save once, and then you
must click an Edit hyperlink once more to create a new editing
Even if you close this window, you can always review the most recent changes
that you posted with the Wiki Menu ↣ Review Last Post command. This will
ensure that you have access to the text you edited in case the posting
routine didn't go as expected.
Viewing Results
After the wiki page has been posted, you probably want to see the new version
of the wiki page. This should take place automatically. If you have turned
on the preference named Use WWW Menu For Viewing, then the results will be
rendered in Alpha using the package Www Menu.
See the Wiki Mode Preferences.
Otherwise, they will be sent to your View URL helper
application (which can be set via the Helper Applications dialog).
Save In Browser
While this package has made every effort to enable the automatic and internal
posting of Wiki pages to the remote server, some Wiki System implementations
are too complicated to figure out how to do this well. In some cases, the
new text can be easily posted but it is difficult to parse the results so
that we _know_ that everything went according to plan.
The Wiki Menu ↣ Save In Browser command is a fallback operation that you
might need (or even want) to use; it combines the editing power of Alpha with
the internet protocols that web browsers are supposed to be good at. When
you select this command, the contents of the active window will be copied
into your Clipboard, and the Wiki page editing url will be opened in your
browser. All you have to do is paste it into the appropriate form field and
click the Save button.
Known Limitations
This package works very well when it works well, but can be frustrating when
it doesn't. In general, the simpler Wiki System implementations are very
accomodating to what we're trying to accomplish here. More sophisticated
systems that register cookies, require authentication, etc. will pose some
trouble for you. Some of the more common problems include:
- Required Login To Edit
- Some wiki pages require authentication, i.e a registered username and
password in order to open an edit window. At present Alpha's http routines
are not able to handle this, and you will not be able to open a page from
such a site for editing.
- Authentication To Save Changes
- Some wiki pages require authentication, i.e a registered username and
password in order to post changes. At present only a few wiki systems
defined by Alpha's Wiki Menu have such a built in authentication regime.
The Wikit system (used by the Tcl wiki) is one; see
Wikit Info
for more information. You might want to scan the information for the other
wiki systems to see if they mention anything about authentication:
All Wiki Info.
For wikis requiring authentication which are not supported by this package,
you will need to manually copy your edited text from the Alpha window and
paste it into an Edit Wiki Page in your local browser. We hope to remove
this limitation in future versions. In the meantime, you should make use of
the Save In Browser option.
- Unsupported Protocols
- As of this writing (01/31/2006), no urls using the https protocol are
supported by Alpha's Wiki Menu.
- Line Wrapping
- In Alpha, lines may be wrapped in your window if you select Text
Wrapping from the Info popup (🄸): this is known as soft wrapping.
If Automatic Breaking is turned on in this same popup then your
lines may be actually hard-wrapped with carriage returns. In most
cases, this won't matter when you post the text of the editing window back
to the server. In some cases, however, hard-wrapped lines will break
formatting. The only solution to fix this is to highlight such regions and
select the Text ↣ Paragraph To Line command
before saving the window. You'll notice this problem very quickly after you
review the results of your editing. To avoid this problem in the future,
turn on Text Wrapping and No Line Breaking.
Wiki Projects
A wealth of wiki sites exist on the internet. If you have visited different
wiki sites, you will have noticed that there are many different styles
available, and they do not share a common, unified set of mark-up tags.
Alpha's Wiki Menu allows you to define Projects for specific wiki sites.
Projects allow you to define a home page, formatting rules, and other
information that makes the editing and posting of wiki pages easier for you
(and easier for the AlphaTcl package which does all of the major lifting for
you behind the scenes).
If you regularly contribute to Wiki sites, you might want to turn on Alpha's
Wiki Menu globally so that you'll have easy access to the menu commands
and features described in the rest of this document.
See the Menus Preferences dialog.
Creating New Projects
Defining a project is very easy, and you'll find that they are very useful.
First select the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ New Project command
click here).
You'll be able to clone an existing project for the formatting tags, or
just use the defaults. You'll be able to edit these as soon as you press
the Continue button.
Editing Projects
The Edit Project dialog is immediately opened after you have created a new
project. The project exists, and will persist even if you cancel this
dialog. (Use the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ Delete Project command to
permanently remove a defined project.)
Now you'll want to set the Home Page for the project. This is an important
setting, because all other wiki pages that you edit will be compared to this
base url to determine if they belong to your new project. You can open the
project's home page in your browser and then use that location.
The Wiki Menu ↣ Formatting Rules menu item will open the url pointed to by
the Formatting Rules setting.
Wiki Systems
The Wiki System is perhaps the most difficult setting to explain. Because
there are many different wiki systems available, it really helps to know
which one should be used for Alpha's posting protocols. If this is left as
undefined then Alpha will do its best to determine the correct method by
parsing the url, but this is not necessarily robust.
For now, the best that you can do (if you don't immediately recognize a
system that is appropriate for your wiki) is to review all of the systems
currently defined
(all wiki info)
and try to find the one that most closely resembles the display and edit urls
for your site. See the
Wiki Systems Help section below.
Default Projects
Alpha's Wiki Menu defines some default projects, but you're welcome to remove
them at any time. These projects are (as you might have guessed) for the
AlphaTcl and Tcl wiki sites. These defaults help to provide some of the
mini-tutorials in this document, and you might want to use the AlphaTcl wiki
to find out more about your favorite text editor.
One sad truth about the internet is that web sites often go out of
date. As a shareware program maintained by unpaid volunteers, Alpha has
long relied on the good-will of its users and affiliated organizations to
host different projects, including the Alpha's Bug Tracker system and the
Alpha Wiki. These hosts, however, are subject to change. It is possible
that by the time you're reading this, the urls which are hard-wired
into Alpha's Wiki Menu are already out of date, in which case the editing
and posting of AlphaTcl wiki pages won't work. If you find this is the
- First check to make sure that you have a valid internet connection.
- Assuming that you do, the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ Restore Defaults
command will try to reset the urls to the correct values.
- If, however, this does not work, or if you are still unable to edit from or
post to either the AlphaTcl or Tcl wiki sites, report the
issue on Alpha's Mailing Lists.
Wiki Favorites
One advantage of defining a Wiki Project is the ability to also create
Favorite pages associated with that wiki. Each project has its own set of
favorites, and the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Favorites menu is updated every time
you change the Current Project.
Favorites should refer to the url of the _displayed_ wiki page, and not to
the one that opens an Edit page. When you select an item from the menu
Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Favorites, they will be opened using your desired method,
showing you the current contents of the page. If you have turned on the
preference named Use WWW Menu For Viewing, then the page will be rendered
in Alpha using the package Www Menu .
See the Wiki Mode Preferences.
Otherwise, they will be sent to your View URL helper
application (which can be set via the Helper Applications dialog).
The Wiki Menu ↣ Edit Wiki Page command will always offer the list of
favorites defined for the current project for you to edit.
Wiki Systems Help
This section describes how Alpha's Wiki Menu defines and recognizes the
different systems used by remote wiki servers. Many of these systems need
special handling in order for their pages to be properly edited and posted.
There are many implementations of collaborative wiki style web sites. This
presented a challenge to develop the editing capacity in Alpha's Wiki Menu
because different Wiki systems have different idioms to designate the edited
version of a displayed Wiki page. If you want to be able to edit a Wiki page
in Alpha, you must specify an appropriate Wiki System for the given page
you're trying to edit, and that method must be used by the remote wiki
server. Otherwise attempts to edit and post saved changes will fail.
Installed Wiki Systems
Numerous Wiki engines are listed here:
Alpha's Wiki Menu has defined editing and posting protocols for many
different wiki systems. Click here
to obtain information about them. See the Adding New Systems section
below if you have run across a system that is not yet recognized and you are
interested in adding it yourself.
Current Wiki System
Alpha's Wiki mode makes it easy for you to do this by defining different
projects for each wiki site you want to edit; each defined project has an
Wiki System associated with it, and this is used to both fetch and post
edited wiki pages. See the Wiki Projects section for
more information. If you are editing a wiki page that is associated with a
pre-defined project, the Wiki System will be automatically recognized and
used to fetch and post pages.
If no project is associated with the active wiki-editing window, then the
source url is used to guess what wiki system should be used. This routine is
fairly robust, but not foolproof. If you intend to repeatedly edit pages
from a particular site in the future, it is highly recommended that you
define a project for it so that the system will always be known by selecting
the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ New Project command.
If you do not want to specify the Wiki System for a given Wiki, you can
declare it as "undefined" in the
Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ Edit Projects
dialog; this will disable the editing capacity for this Wiki.
Wiki System Example
For example, the Wiki system used on the Tcl'ers Wiki is called Wikit and
adopts the following convention:
Modifying Existing Systems
If you want to modify an existing wiki system definition, select the menu
command Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Edit System
(or click here). This will open a new
dialog containing information about the current settings.
In general, there are only two reasons why you might need to adjust the
default settings for any system as explained in the next sections.
Registering new wiki system web sites.
Each system has a Web site wikis field that includes a list of known sites
that make use of that particular system. This helps Alpha's Wiki Menu
recognize that a given url should make use of that system for its editing and
posting protocols. You can add any number of web sites to this list,
separating each one with a space. You don't have to include the full url of
the site, and in most cases you're better off not doing so. For example,
rather than adding
you should just add
and the internal routines will perform a string match to see if a given url
matches your web site.
Adusting the Internal Posting field value.
If you find that Alpha's internal posting mechanism is not working, you are
better off using the Wiki Menu ↣ Save In Browser command when you have
finished editing a wiki page. If Internal Posting is set to Not Allowed
then this will happen automatically when you save the active wiki window.
Alternatively, if Internal Posting is set to Not Allowed and you want to
test this to see if it actually does work for your particular wiki site, you
can change this setting to find out.
TIP: If the Internal Posting setting is Not Recommended you will always
be presented with the choice of saving methods.
Except for these two settings, most of the system fields should not be
changed unless you know what you're doing. These are all explained in more
detail in the Adding New Systems section below. If you find that your
changed settings have somehow disabled the editing or posting of wiki pages,
select the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Reset Systems command to restore the
default settings of any system distributed with this package.
Adding New Systems
If Alpha's Wiki Menu doesn't define a wiki system that you use, you can add
your own using the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Add New System command. This
is a somewhat complicated procedure, because you'll have to create some
regular expression patterns that translate a view url to its edit
counterpart. In order to continue, you will also need some example urls from
a wiki site in order to help verify your regexp patterns.
TIP: Even though there are many different wiki systems in use, closer
inspection reveals that many of them use very similar protocols. Even if
your system is not included in the default Wiki Menu distribution, there
might be one that you can still use.
Try to open a wiki display page in your browser, note the url that
it uses, and click on an Edit link and see what new url is in your
location bar. Then click here and see if you can find a system that uses the same syntax. If so, you
might be able to define that as your Wiki System for your project.
Wiki System Settings
Each defined system has (at a minimum) a set of regular expressions that help
Alpha determine the proper editing url that should be used when given the url
of the displayed page. Each system should also define
- Identifying patterns to help recognize the system for a given url.
- Web sites which are known to use this system.
- The web site of the wiki system's author or maintaining organization.
- Example wiki pages for the user to see this system in action.
- If necessary, a specialized posting procedure to add extra information, cookies, etc.
Most of this information is only used internally and you shouldn't have to
adjust any of the default settings, unless something doesn't work for you!
If you are running into problems with a system that is already installed by
the Wiki Menu, you should inspect the code in wikiMethods.tcl and copy that
into your prefs file to modify it.
Assuming that you want to continue creating a new wiki system...
click on this link:
create a new system.
Note that you may press the Cancel button at any time to postpone the process;
any settings you have entered will be saved and used as the default field
values if/when you choose to resume the creation of a new system.
Wiki System Name
You must first choose a name for your system. Don't choose a name that is
already used by a different system; this will not be allowed. You will be
able to rename it later if desired, after you have finished with all of the
other settings. Select Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Rename System to do so;
this only allows you to rename systems that you have added.
If you know the web site of this wiki system's maintainer, you should add it
in this dialog as well. This field exists primarily to help you obtain more
information about this system later if you need it.
Click on this link: create a new system
to continue the adding a new system routine.
Wiki Example Urls
Now you must enter two different wiki page urls. The first should be for a
view page; try to find one that can be modified without destroying any
real content on the wiki site, such as a Sandbox or
Grafitti page.
The second url should be the one in your browser's location bar after you
have clicked on an Edit hyperlink.
Why do you need these example urls? They will appear in the System Info
window created by the Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Wiki Systems Info command,
providing you with handy hyperlinks to test your system. These urls will
also, however, be used to verify the regular expression patterns that you are
about to create.
Click on this link: create a new system
to continue the adding a new system routine.
Build Edit Url Patterns
The next step involves creating regular expression patterns that will help
create an edit url from a view url of a wiki page that uses this system.
There are two items here, the initial pattern and the subspec that will
be used by the command [regsub] . If you are not familiar with the regular
expression syntax, please send a note to one of the mailing lists described
in the Readme file and include both of the urls you created in the last
step and ask for help. This document assumes that you know at least a
little something about regular expression syntax. (For a reminder, you can
consult the Regular Expressions help file.)
For example, if you have these two urls:
the patterns should be
so that
% set url ""
% set pat1 {/([^/]*)}
% set pat2 {?edit=true\&page=\1}
% regsub -nocase "${pat1}\$" $url $pat2 newUrl
% set newUrl
After you enter the patterns, a quick check will be performed to see if the
first Wiki Example Url can be transformed into the second using the
patterns that you have provided. If not, you will be informed, and you must
correct the patterns before continuing.
Note: a trailing "$" will always be added to the first pattern.
Click on this link: create a new system
to continue the adding a new system routine.
Wiki Sites Using System
If you have gotten this far, you have completed the most challenging steps of
this process. The next one allows you to identify wiki web sites that use
your new system. This helps Alpha's Wiki Menu recognize that a given url
should make use of your system for its editing and posting protocols. You
can add any number of web sites to this list, separating each one with a
space. You don't have to include the full url of the site, and in most cases
you're better off not doing so. For example, rather than adding
you should just add
and the internal routines will perform a string match to see if a given url
matches your web site.
Click here Wiki::newSystem to continue the adding a new system routine.
Other Identifying Url Patterns
The last step before a confirmation dialog opens up asks you if there are any
other unambiguous patterns that would help associate a given url with your
new system. Unambiguous is the key word here. While your edit urls
might end with something like
that is a fairly common string that is found with many different wiki
systems. The idea here is to only add patterns that you know are employed
only by your system. While this might appear to require perfect knowledge of
all possible wiki systems, we are able to make some educated assessments
here. For example, a url that includes this
can be expected to only be used by Awki Awki urls, just as
will only be used by JSP Wiki urls. The key here is to be conservative,
and only add patterns that won't associate wiki pages from other systems to
the new one you are creating.
Click on this link: create a new system
to continue the adding a new system routine.
Exporting System Settings
If you have defined a new Wiki System (or if you have debugged a default
system) please pass it along to the AlphaTcl development community; your
changes will be included in the next release of Alpha. You can select the
Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Systems ↣ Export System command to display your system
settings in a new window and then paste that into an e-mail to the current
maintainer of Alpha's Wiki Menu as listed in the Installed Packages file.
AlphaTcl Developer Notes
Here's some advanced information, mainly for AlphaTcl developers.
Wiki Editing Protocols
In the Wikit example, the editing method regular
expressions transform '14.html' to '14@'. This is handled
by a proc Wiki::buildEditPageUrl which looks for the editing method
and applies it.
All default wiki system definitions can be found in wikiMethods.tcl, and
look something like this:
set Wiki::defaultSystems(ApacheMiniWiki) [list \
"buildEditUrlPats" [list {([^/\?]*)(\?[^/]*)?} {(edit)/\1}] \
"viewUrlPattern" {} \
"editUrlPattern" {} \
"postUrlPattern" {} \
"wikiSiteUrls" [list ""] \
"postIsEnabled" "0" \
"wikiExamples" [list \
"" \
"" \
] \
"homeSite" "" \
"description" {
Simplistic Wiki for Apache written in Perl.
} \
Editing methods are stored in the buildEditUrlPats field and are built
using the regsub syntax: you just have to specify the search string and the
replacement string as a two-elements list. In the
Wiki System Example section,
the search string is:
and the replacement string is:
If we decide to call this Wiki System Wikit, the declaration will just
be like this:
set Wiki::defaultSystems(Wikit) [list \
"buildEditUrlPats" [list {([0-9]+)(\.html)?} {edit/\1@}] \
"..." "..." \
Note that all these rules are relative to the base url of the Wiki declared
as the "Home Page" in the
Wiki Menu ↣ Wiki Projects ↣ Edit Projects dialog.
In the previous example, the base url is You
do not have to worry about the base part of the url: the editing method is
supposed to convert the end of the url. The base part is not affected.
If you want to guess what is the editing mode for a given Wiki, just
go to one of its pages, note its url, choose Edit this page (or any
equivalent command at the bottom of the displayed Wiki page), note the url
of the edited page and compare both urls in order to build the editing
rule. Ask for help on Alpha's Mailing Lists if you are
uncomfortable with the syntax of the command [regsub].
The wikiMethods.tcl file also contains many
different examples.
Use the proc Wiki::verifyBuildUrlPat to check the current patterns, as in
Wiki::verifyBuildUrlPat -all
issued in a tclShell window.
Wiki Posting Protocols
Each wiki system can also define its own unique posting protocal. The
standard method can be found in Wiki::postToServer, but this might
be too general as it will send all found query arguments. For
example, if there is a cancel argument the new text won't be
posted. If there is a proc named Wiki::<wikiSystem>::postToServer]
defined this will be used. See the proc proc Wiki::pmWiki::postToServer or the proc Wiki::Wikit::postToServer for some more examples.
Known problems
Please report any problem or bug you encounter in
Alpha's Bug Tracker.
See also the section Known Limitations above.
License and Disclaimer
This document has been placed in the public domain.
Copyright (c) 2002-2019, the Alpha Community.
All rights reserved.
The Wiki Menu package is free software and distributed under
the terms of the new BSD license:
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the Alpha Community nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.