winExec ?-w win? method
This command executes various high level UI actions concerning document windows. The possible values for the action method are:
deminiaturizeDe-minimize the window
mergeAllWindowsMerge all separate windows into one window that contains multiple tabs
miniaturizeDisplay the minimized window in the Dock
newWindowForTabCreate a new tab (simulates the plus button)
nextTabSelect the next tabbed window
orderBackMove the window to the back of its level
orderFrontMove the window to the front of its level
orderOutHide the window
previousTabSelect the previous tabbed window
tabToNewWindowMove a tabbed window to a separate window
toggleFullScreenTake the window into or out of fullscreen mode
toggleTabBarShow or hide the tab bar
toggleTabOverviewShow or hide the tabs overview grid
toggleToolbarShownShow or hide the toolbar
zoomSimulate the user clicking the zoom box
The orderBack and orderFront methods move the window to the back (resp. the front) of its level in the screen list, without changing either the key window or the main window. If you want to make a window the key window (that is to say the window that receives the keyboard events) when bringing it to the front, use the makeKeyAndOrderFront method.
The toggleTabBar method can be used to show the tab bar in a window that doesn’t have tabs.
Note that some of the action methods are available only in versions 10.12 or greater of Mac OS X: mergeAllWindows, nextTab, previousTab, tabToNewWindow, toggleTabBar. The toggleTabOverview method is available in version 10.13 or greater of Mac OS X. On earlier versions of the system, these methods are no-ops.