Setext Mode Help
Name: | Setext Mode |
Version: | 2.8 |
Last update: | 2019-11-27 14:13:01 |
This document describes the Setext mode for Alpha.
Setext stands for [S]tructure [E]nhanced [TEXT]. It is a markup
scheme for plain text documents such as email messages and e-zines.
Setext's primary goal is to provide a way of marking text that is visually
unobtrusive, so that if you don't have a special setext browser, like
EasyView, you can still read the text. (Have you ever tried to make sense
of HTML source without your web browswer?)
The Setext Example demonstration file is a
description of setext concepts written by Ian Feldman. Setext grabbed a
foothold in the Mac world with the online publication TidBITS
Alpha's Setext mode not only facilitates marking of Setext files,
but also provides a handy menu for file navigation, template insertion, and
utilities to create Setext mark-up tags. If you write a lot of text
documents and wished you could mark them with Alpha's Marks popup menu (the
little box up in the righthand corner of the window), then you might find
the Setext mode useful. Or if Alpha doesn't contain a mode for a particular
programming syntax, Setext could be adapted to provide a quick surrogate
until a proper mode is written for you.
How the file marking works
Any two lines that look like this:
Any string of words
will be marked as a Chapter heading. Any two lines that look like this:
Any other string of words
will be marked as a Section heading. That's all there is to it.
The keyboard shortcuts Control-Equals (⌃=
and Control-Dash (⌃-
) will turn the
current line into a chapter or section heading, and re-mark the file.
Setext mode Preferences
All of the Setext mode preferences can be changed when the active window is
in Setext mode, by using the Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Mode Preferences… menu item,
which is also bound to F12
. Many of the flag preferences can also be
toggled on and off using the Setext ↣ Setext Options menu.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Alpha's Setext mode is useful even if you are not editing Setext documents.
You can set additional preferences, including comment characters, magic
characters, keyword definitions, keyword symbols and string colors. In
some ways, Setext could be thought of as Text2, with the same
functionality, but greater customization available. If Alpha does not have a
mode that you need, Setext could be adapted to serve as a surrogate until
you've convinced someone to write one for you.
Marking Preferences
- Auto Mark
- If the Auto Mark preference is turned on, then any window opened in Setext
mode that does not have any saved marks will be automatically marked. In
addition, whenever a new mark is created using either the Setext Marks menu
items or their keyboard shortcut equivalents, the file will be re-marked, and
any floating menu of marks will be updated.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
- Mark File As
- Setext files can be marked using any scheme available for any other mode.
Changing this preference affects all of the various ways to mark a file,
i.e. the Marks menu, Search ↣ Named Marks ↣ Mark File, the Re-Mark File item in the floating marks menu ... If
this alternate scheme fails (which might be true if the alternative mode's
marking routine relies on some preferences specific to that mode), you will
be notified. Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Comment Characters
Comment Character |
Comment Color |
Comment Pair1 |
Comment Pair2 |
Prefix String |
Use Paired Comments |
Setext per se has no comment character, but I often use one in my README.TXT
files. Setext's Mode Preferences now allows the user to define both a single
comment character, as well as paired (or bracketed) comment characters. The
flag preference Use Paired Comments determines which style to use.
When using single comment characters, be sure to adjust the Prefix String
preference as well, adding a single whitespace after the character. Any
Section or Subsection heading which is preceded by the single comment
character will be colorized using the Comment Color, but the comment
character (and any leading white-spaces) will be stripped from the mark.
This is an example of
/* bracketed comments */
which can also
/* extend
several */
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Keywords, Colorizing
Add Keywords1 |
Add Keywords2 |
Add Keywords3 |
Symbols |
- |
Keyword1 Color |
Keyword2 Color |
Keyword3 Color |
String Color |
Symbol Color |
Colorizing of keywords is available, including a separate symbols category
(for characters such as @ or %). While true Setext might not have any special
keywords that need to be colored, you can easily specify three different lists
that can be colored individually.
The String color will affect all text contained within double
The Underline color is used for all sequences of -
and =
symbols within the window. The Symbol color is used
for the list of additional symbols specified with the Symbols
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
If the lists of desired keywords is rather long, the user might rather include
them in a separate SetxPrefs.tcl file. To create such a list, select the
Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Edit Prefs File menu item, and add these lines:
colors::register keywords Setx keyword1Color {blah bladdity}
colors::register keywords Setx keyword2Color {blah2 bladdity2}
colors::register keywords Setx keyword3Color {blah2 bladdity2}
colors::register symbol Setx symbolColor "!"
Include as many keywords as desired within the braces, separating each
keyword by at least one space or carriage return. After editing a SetxPrefs.tcl file, you must select the Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Load Prefs File menu item. Alpha will automatically
load this preferences file when it restarts.
The default mode preferences are intended to show off some of Setext's new
functionality, which can be observed in the Setext Example help file.
All of these preferences could be set empty if desired.
Magic Characters
Magic Character |
Magic Color |
The user can also specify one (and only one) magic character. Any
alpha-numeric string appearing after the magic character and before the
next space will be colored according to the magic color preference.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Search Url1 |
Search Url2 |
Search Url3 |
Search Url4 |
Setext Home Page |
Setext mode contains four Search Url preferences that are initially
set to four different popular web search engines. Shift-Command-Double-Clicking
on any text will send it to Search Url 1.
Note that Shift-Command-Double-Clicking can also be accessed
using the F6
keyboard shortcut. This means that one can first highlight text,
and then hit F6
to send a phrase to the first search url. The other
modifiers, however, can only send the word surrounding the current cursor
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
These urls (as well as that for the Setext Home Page) are also used by the
Setext ↣ Setext Help submenu.
- Navigate Paragraphs
- Setext mode allows for two different styles of window navigation, using the
Next/Prev/... Paragraph menu items and their keyboard equivalents.
Navigating Paragraphs is the default, and makes the most sense for true
Setext documents. Here a paragraph is defined by a block of text separated by
at least one line which is either empty or only contains whitespace.
If the Navigate Paragraphs preference is turned off, then these menu items
(and their keyboard shortcuts) are changed to Next/Prev/... Function, where
a Function is defined by a block of text that starts in the first column of
a row, and continues until another function starts, as in
set Setx::PrefsInMenu {
autoMark keypadFindsMark navigateParagraphs renderOnOpen
proc Setx::rebuildMenu {{pref ""}} {
if {[llength $pref]} {status::msg "Rebuilding the Setext menu …"}
menu::buildSome setextMenu
requireOpenWindowsHook 1
if {[llength $pref]} {status::msg "The Setext menu has been rebuilt"}
This is of use only if Setext mode is being used as a surrogate for some
programming language.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Tip: While the Next/Prev Paragraph/Function menu items are bound to
Control-Shift-N/P (⌃⇧N
and ⌃⇧P
), they are also available using the Arrow keys with
Control (⌃
and Shift (⇧
). Up/Down will simply move the cursor, while Right/Left will
also reposition the window so that the cursor is at the top.
Tip: If there is any selection highlighted when using these navigation items,
the selection is extended to the beginning/end of the prev/next paragraph or
- Keypad Finds Mark
- Alpha has the ability to take over the numeric keypad on extended keyboards,
and to use various keys for navigation items. In Setext mode, Keys 1 and 3
are bound to either navigate the next/prev paragraph/function, or (if the
preference named Keypad Finds Mark is turned on) to find the next/prev mark
in the active window.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
More Preferences
- Indent Setx File As
- If Setext is being used for a programming mode, its indentation scheme can be
set to mimic that of any other mode distributed with Alpha. This will
probably take some experimentation.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
- Fill Column
- This is the length of a row that is allowed before auto-wrapping of the window
sets in, automatically inserting a carriage return. This preference is found
in many modes.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
- Word Break
- This preference is a regular expression that determines when a word ends,
and is used for various word breaking navigation items. In general, it is
not necessary to change these settings unless you are using Setext as a
programming mode. In that case, you probably want to include any special
symbols that can be found in the program's word syntax, such as
for LISP files, or ":"
for Tcl files.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
The Setext Menu
Whenever a file is opened in Setext mode, the Setext menu is automatically
inserted into the menu bar. This section describes some of the menu items
Setext Templates
The New Setext Window menu item will create a new window, using the
templates described below. If any of these templates include
template stops (bullets • by default), you can navigate this new window using your
next stop key, set in the Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ Keyboard Shortcuts ↣ Special Keys dialog. This menu item
inserts the Header and Footer templates.
Both the Header and the Footer templates can be customized by using the
Edit Header etc menu items. These templates are stored as files in Alpha's
Prefs folder. Restoring the templates will remove these files, and use the
default values set in the setextMode.tcl file. Three additional templates
can also be defined, and inserted at any time using the items in this submenu.
Setext Marks
Any line of text can be turned into a Setext mark using the keyboard shortcuts
found in the Setext Marks submenu. If the text is already a mark, but is
now a different length that the dash line below it, as in
This mark has changed
then the keyboard shortcut will readjust the dash line, as in
This mark has changed
If the Auto Mark preference is turned on, then the active window will be
automatically re-marked whenever these shortcuts are employed.
If you are using Setext mode as a surrogate for some other syntax style, you
can try to mark the active window using any of the other mode file marking
procedures available using the Mark File As menu item.
Setext Text
This submenu contains some handy keyboard shortcuts for marking Setext windows
using the (never completed) Setext markup specification. These shortcuts will
all work on either highlighted selections, or within the middle of some text.
The Fill Paragraph menu item preserves the special leading indentation found
in some Setext files.
Setext Help
This submenu contains menu items to open the Setext Home Page, a user
customized url, this Help file, or a dialog to send some text to a specific
search engine. Both the search engine and the home page url can be modified
using the Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Mode Preferences…
menu item when the active window is in Setext mode.
Setext Options
Most of the items in this submenu are toggleable menu items that flip various
flag preferences for Setext mode. See the sections above concerning
specific preferences.
Setext Keywords
While Setext doesn't have any keywords per se, I often find it handy to
colorize a list of keywords that I use often within text documents that I'm
writing, as in IMPORTANT or NOTE. This menu allows you to manipulate three
different lists of keywords. The Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Mode Preferences… will
open a dialog allowing you to change the colors used for each list.
Click here to display the Setext Mode Preferences.
Additional Menu Items
- Next/Prev Paragraph/Function
- These items allow you to navigate the active window, moving the cursor to the
next/previous paragraph or function. The Navigate Paragraphs preference
determines which style of navigation will be used. See the section above on
Navigation for more information.
- Select Paragraph/Function
- Highights the paragraph or function surrounding the cursor.
- Reformat Paragraph/Function
- If there is no selection currently highlighted, highlights the paragraph or
function surrounding the cursor. Then this region is properly indented.
Note that this is NOT the same as the Text ↣ Fill Paragraph
menu item, but is instead a simple combination of the Setext ↣ Select Paragraph/Function and Text ↣ Indent Selection menu commands.
- New Comment
- Inserts a new comment immediately preceding the current paragraph/function in
which the cursor resides, respecting all of the comment character preferences
as well as Navigate Paragraphs. A standard paragraph style comment is
inserted, unless you have previously created a template using ...
- Comment Template…
- Creates a new template used in the New Comment menu item. Simply
type your template in any window, highlight it, and then select this item.
The selection will be saved as a Setext mode preference, which can be
modified (or deleted entirely) using the Alpha ↣ Setext Mode Setup ↣ Mode Preferences… menu item. If you want to include template
stops, which can be navigated using the keyboard shortcut for Next Stop defined in the Alpha ↣ Global Setup ↣ Keyboard Shortcuts ↣ Special Keys dialog, enter two bullets
using Option-8 for each
template stop.
- Render Window
- Alpha can be used as a Setext rendering engine, converting all marks and
typotags to stylized text. See the end of the Setext Example window
for more information on the Setext mark-up specification.
- Text To Setext
- Convert a file with Text style file marks (such as Alpha Help
files) to a Setext format. This includes some conversions that only make
sense for Alpha Help files, including special hyperlink syntaxes.
Note that while this item properly converts window marks, it probably needs to
be refined further to include all of the Setext typotags.
Known problems
Please report any problem or bug you encounter in
Alpha's Bug Tracker.
License and Disclaimer
Original Author: Tom Pollard.
Co-Authors: Craig Barton Upright, Donavan Hall.
Copyright (c) 2000-2019, Craig Barton Upright and Contributors.
Contributors: Craig Barton Upright, Donavan Hall.
All rights reserved.
The Setext Mode package is free software and distributed under
the terms of the new BSD license:
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of Craig Barton Upright nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.