Alpha Q&A #006
Can I import custom preferences from AlphaX ?


Can I import custom preferences from AlphaX ?
I have been using AlphaX for many years and have custom preferences, code modifications, or personal bindings and procs which are stored in the prefs.tcl file (or in some mode specific preferences file like TeXprefs.tcl, HTMLprefs.tcl, etc). Can I copy them over to Alpha's prefs.tcl file ?


Most likely, your custom code coming from the old AlphaX won't run on the new Alpha. The AlphaCocoa project is a complete rewrite from scratch of the application and many Tcl core commands defined by Alpha have undergone substantial changes.
On the other hand, converting your old code to Alpha's new syntax should not be very difficult. Ask on
Alpha's Mailing Lists for assistance: many developers there will be glad to help.
Here are a few remarks and recommendations for users transitionning from AlphaX to Alpha:

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