Name: | Embrace |
Version: | 1.3 |
Last update: | 2020-01-06 09:26:34 |
) followed by a single key.
('B' might be for 'braces', 'back', or 'balance'... however you want to
remember it.)
⌃B P
means set parentheses around current word. (Except if there are already
parentheses around the word: then they are instead removed.)
P | parentheses | ( ) |
A | angle brackets | < > |
S | square brackets | [ ] |
C | curly braces | { } |
Q | single quotes | ' ' |
W | double quotes | " " |
G | guillemets | « » |
H | reverse guillemets | » « |
J | single curly quotes | ‘ ’ |
K | double curly quotes | “ ” |
N | back quotes | ` ` |
L | lowercase |
U | uppercase |
T | titlecase (all words) |
Y | capitalize (only first word) |
M | mixedcase |
X | extrapolate |
Z | zpellcheck |
D | delete |
F | find next occurrence of word |
E | find previous occurrence of word |
V | toggle dollar (value of a variable) |
B | Show all embrace shortcuts |
O | hilite (and select) |
Control-B P Control-B 2 Sthen you end up with [word (foo]) --- hardly what you had in mind... You have to do
Control-B 2 S Control-B Pto achieve proper nesting of braces. Perhaps the programme ought to do a balance check inside the target, and refuse to operate on a target containing non-matched braces --- or better still: see if the braces can be matched by extending the target slightly...
⌃B B
) creates a
Dipslay Bindings window
with a short summary of all the embrace keybinding combinations.